8. I Love Her. I Love You.

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A/N: this is a VERY long chapter (over 1500 word count) because I got carried away in the car that I've been in for 6 hours...also Slightly UnJesusFriendly actions take place later on in this chapter. (Double warning 1. I'm rusty with my smut writing! 2. Smut-ish)

Veronica Sawyer
Dear diary, it's been a week since Heather Chandler, the QUEEN BITCH of westerburg high, kissed me in front of the entire school and then promised that she wouldn't play with my feelings. She's kept it so far. I won't lie, I enjoy her. I enjoy all of them. Heather McNamara is like my best friend. Almost Closer than me and Martha. I'm really happy that I get to be with Heather. I'll write more later. My mom is calling me.

I close my diary and go downstairs.

Hey mom what's up?

"I want you to cancel your plans with that Heather Chandler girl."

What? Why? Is everything okay? I ask nervously.

"Everything is fine. I just don't like you hanging out with that girl."

Why not? She's not a terrible person! I defend her.

"Veronica, her father was a complete pillowcase in highschool. So was her mother."

That doesn't mean she is too!

"Veronica, no. I don't want you hanging out with her."

No. I can't stop hanging around her. I say with tears now in my eyes.

"Why not? I'm your mother and I'm unhappy"

You may be my mother but I'm your daughter and I LOVE HER and IM happy with her. I fight back. 

She looks at me with an expression I've never seen on her before. She turns her around and leans on the sink. Silent.

M-mom? Are you okay? I stutter.

Without looking back at me she sighs.
"I want you to take 5 minutes. 5 minutes to go to your room, and get whatever you need and then I want you to get out of my house." She says in a quiet yet furious tone.

What? Are you seriou-

"NOW" she yells.

I run to my room and grab 2 bags. I fill one with clothes and the other with my school stuff. I call all the heathers but i get no answer. Heather Chandler lives closer and I hate to bug her but I need somewhere to stay. Just for one night so I head to Heathers.

As I walk down the stairs and stop with my hand on the front door. I look at my mom and she still refuses to look at me. My eyes water as I think of something.

You are making a HUGE mistake. I tell her.

"No veronica. YOU made the huge mistake. go." She replies.

I walk out the door and run to Heathers house. I get there and I see her red Porsche and no other cars. It's just her. I see a shadow in her window so I look for ways I could climb up there. The easiest way is to climb the wood siding. It's like a checked pattern where I can stick my feet in the holes. I walk over and start to climb. This seems easier when Heather does it.

Heather must have heard me struggling because she comes to her window and opens it.


Heather Chandler
I heard a weird noise coming from outside of my window so I went to check it out. I look down and see Veronica.

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