17. Date Night Gone Wrong

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⚠️TW! Homophobic Slurs/blood⚠️
✨really long chapter. (1700 words. My apologies!)

Heather Chandler
We get to the 7-11 and I wake Veronica up who had fallen asleep in the 10 minutes we had been in the car for. I don't wake her up normally though. First I speak softly. Veronica, wake up babe. No response. So I kiss her. At this point, I know she's awake because she nearly smiles. So I decide to kiss her neck. When she struggles to keep her eyes closed I nip at her neck.

"Ok ok I'm up" she giggles.

Let's get slushees! I say getting out of the car and running over to her door to let her out. I kiss her again. She pulls away and smiles. We walk into the store and I notice that Jessie James himself is standing by the slushee counter. Drink in hand. He scoffs when he sees that Veronica's hand is in mine. This pisses me off so I look him right in the eyes before I kiss her very passionately.

"Get a room, fags" he mumbles under his breath.

Get a life, dickhead-

"Babe, it's not worth it. Let's just get our stuff and go on a walk. Night walks are fun"

He's lucky I don't want to hurt anyone in front of you. I'd kill him- I get cut off by a little kiss.

"I know you're very scary. Let's go" she giggles.

We walk for an hour before heading back to our car. She finished her slushee and I'm not even half finished with mine. She really likes to freeze her brain. Crazy but cute.

"Hey look at this" she says as she attempts to hurdle over a parking meter. Luckily I'm in front of her and I'm able to catch her when she fails miserably. I lose my shit and burst into uncontrollable laughter. I pick her up and kiss her as she wipes a tear from her eyes. She wasn't hurt. She was crying from laughing at her own stupidity.

"Hey look! Some dykes! Not often that you find a pair here in Ohio!" I hear a voice call.

"Kiss again!" Another voice calls. I hear footsteps running up behind us so I take Veronica's hand and run. I take a short cut down the alley between the 7-11 and the laundromat. It's long but leads right to the parking lot where my car is. We pass a door and I feel Veronicas hand being ripped out of my own.

"I've got you now!" It's JD. He's got her in a choke hold. I look at her, her eyes filled with fear. I look at my drink then back to her again...without thinking twice, I throw the freezing cold drink in JDs face. He lets go of her and falls to the ground yelling.

"My fucking eyes"

I run up to her and wrap my arms around her as she sits on the cold hard ground.

I've got you. It's okay. I try to calm her down until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I stand up and turn around and then everything goes black.

Veronica Sawyer
Heather stands up and there's a boy standing behind her. She turns around and takes a blow to the face. She falls to the ground. hard.

H-heather? Wake up! Babe? I check for her pulse and she's still breathing. I turn around to face them.

What the fuck is your damage? why are you pulling my dick? We did nothing to deserve this!

"Shut your pretty little mouth, dyke" one of them calls out.

No. I don't think I will.

"We'll shut it for you."

You can try but I've got fire that you didn't know I had. I see heather shift a little.

"Get her!" One of the boys shouts before tackling me. I throw in a few good punches. One that knocks JD completely out.

"G-go S-Sawyer!" I hear heather mutter.

I get distracted and forget to duck as they throw something at me. There's 3 men on top of me. I hear glass shatter and look to see that heather chandler, has once again taken control. One of the boys falls to the ground and is unconscious. The other, well...let's just say he won't be having kids any time soon. The last guy begins to choke me.

H-heather help m-me I can't breathe! I shout as he punches me again. I begin to cry.

She rips this guy who has to be at least 2 times her weight off of me. She hits him at least 6 times before he gets the power back to hit her. She fights back. He slams her back into the wall and she slides to the ground. She kicks at him but it's no use. He picks her up and THROWS her across the alley.

HEATHER! I run up to him and slam my head into his. I kneel over her and shake her but she doesn't answer. I thought it was all over when I felt a pair of the guys hands on my shoulders trying to pry me off of her....but something happened. Something pulls him off of me. I look back and see Dylan. The guy from the party.

D-Dylan! Thank you!

"Get her out of here."

W-what about you? You can't take these guys by yourself.

"Who said he was doing it by himself?" Another voice that I know calls. It's Daniel. He jumps in.

I pick up heather and carry her to the best of my abilities. I'm so small and she's tall. But I try. I carry her to her Porsche and I do the thing she'd kill me for. I take her keys and turn the ignition. I waited for a moment praying that Dylan and Daniel might come back out. I see them but they signal me to go I look behind them and see that JD, and the three others are chasing them.

"GO. HELP HER. GO." They shout.

I speed back to the house. As I'm driving back, I hear heather whine. I then notice that her nose is bleeding.


Sh. I'm right here. Don't move.

"Ronnie I don't feel good. My head hurts."

Shh. We're almost home.

We pull into the driveway and she's unconscious again. I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom so that I can clean her scrapes and ice her bruises. I take a paper towel and pour some peroxide on it and then csrefully touch it to the deep cut on her face. She squirms a little. Tears fall from her face.

"Where are we?" She asks.

We're home, babe. Just let me clean this up so you don't get any infections. I say. She doesn't fight back. She just whimpers a little. I've never seen this side of heather chandler...or any heather for that matter.  She lifts her hand to my neck and cry's a little.

"I-I'm sorry ronnie"

Sorry for what? You did nothing wrong hun.

"Y-your n-neck"

Shh. Just let me finish and we can go to sleep okay?

She nods and I do my best to finish. She closes her eyes for a few minutes before waking up again.

"Ronnie...I- it hurts" she grips her throat for a moment.

Shh shh. It's ok. Be gentle with yourself.

She coughs and there's blood. I begin to worry. If it gets worse I'll take her to the hospital. I think to myself. Shh. Just breathe.

"I'm sorry."

Stop apologizing hun. You did really good. You helped me. Just let me wrap your cut and we can go to bed. I finish up and carry her to the bed.

She lays down and I lay down next to her. I turn of her light and I hear her sigh.

"Veronica, cuddle me" she says softly.

I wrap my arms around her waist and place a kiss on her head.

"Goodnight ronnie."

Goodnight Heather.

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