10. Presentations

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Heather Chandler
I walk the heathers out the door and go back to find Veronica falling asleep.

Come on. Let's go to bed.

"Mmm it's fine here" she groans.

Nonsense. I can't have the co queen of westerburg sleeping on a couch now can I? I pleade.

"I'm not tired" she groans.

Bullshit, Sawyer! You are falling asleep as we speak. We have presentations in the morning. Five minutes and then bed. I demand.

"Fine! But can I take another hit?" She asks. I forgot she's stoned.

Would I ever so no? Sawyer, have you met me? I'll light up a fresh one!


IF you didn't have to get some rest! I say tugging at her hand. She's asleep again. I gently shake her away and this time I lean down and kiss her neck softly.

Let's go to bed, Ronnie. I say in a slightly alluring tone.

"Fine I'm coming. I'm coming, Jesus" she says.

I help her tired ass up the stairs and I place her on my bed.

"I love you" she mumbled.

I-i love you too. Now go to sleep. I say as I get into bed and she curls up beside me. Her face buried in my chest. God I love this girl. She makes me feel like a human being. But that can't change at school. I have a reputation To keep. I drift off to sleep with the blue girl in my arms.

Veronica Sawyer
I wake up and feel cold. I look around and find a note. I open it to see what it says.

"Veronica, I'm making food. Come downstairs when you read this. -yours truly, Heather"

I get up and get dressed with the only other set of clothes I brought. Things are going to be crazy for a while. I go downstairs and see Heather actually dressed and ready to go. 20 minutes before school.

Look who's actually ready to do a presentation project. I tease her as she hands me a glass of water and pain killers. I had a killer hangover so this is good.

"You did most of the work and we just sat and talked...I was thinking we could go in early and look it over." She suggests.

I choke on my water...you wanna go early? I say Surprised.

"Yeah I realized I didn't pay any attention to our work"

go figure she didn't pay attention. I didn't expect her to. I had a hard time doing the assignment considering she's so hot.

"You ready to go?" She asks with a smile.

Ready as I'll ever be! I say. Just then there's a ringing. It's the telephone. Heather answers it.

"Chandler residence, you've got heather what do you want money? Food?"

I hear a faint muffled voice through the phone.

"That's no way to answer a phone"

"Right sorry. What?"

She sighs and turns to me.

"It's for you, dear" she says sarcastically.


"Ronica? Thank god you are okay. It's dad"

Why are you talking to me. I ask aggrieved.

"I want you to stop back home after school today. Your mother is at work. I'm going to give you money for a hotel, clothes, and some essentials" he says quickly.

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