4. Big Fun

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**a/n*** very long chapter!!

Heather Chandler
I wake up and find myself entangled in Veronica's arms. I don't want to get up but we should considering I have to get Veronica and myself ready for kurts huge party...I have to do another favor for him in order to let Veronica in.

I gently slide out of my bed considering Veronica can sleep for another hour or so before she needs to get up.

I grab her diary and push past the temptation to read if she wrote anything about me. Not that I care...Anyways. I write a note on the next empty page which is really far into the thick notebook.

Ronnie, I didn't read anything. Just letting you know I'm making food if you wake up and need me.

I close the diary and carefully place it next to Veronica before getting ready to make food. My parents are hardly ever home so it's just the maids who apparently didn't show up today? Huh...guess they'll be losing their jobs.

As I'm making breakfast, I feel arms snake around my waist. I notice the blue sleeves and feel my face get hot. Part of me wants to act like nothing happened and part of me wants to stay like this forever. Wait no. My reputation. It's more important.

"Good morning" she mumbles clearly still tired.

Try good afternoon. I chuckle a little.

"Huh?" She says.

Look at the time.

"Shit! Heather, we missed most of school! Why didn't you wake me up" she whines a bit.

I just got up...I slept really good last night. I say.

"Me too. I've never slept so well" she yawns. It's cute but I don't say anything.

You get ready for the party at kurt's. I'll give you a ride. Depending on how fucked up I can get you, I'll let you stay here too. Cant have your sophisticated ass parents know their perfect little daughter is out partying with the kings and queens of westerburg. I say sarcastically. I place a plate of food in front of her and she eats.

"Ugh. Do I have to go to the party?"

Yes. You'll be fine. I'll stay with you. I say.

This whole time I've been praying she doesn't ask about last night. But she does.

"Hey. About last night. I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Please don't socially destroy me" she says. She's totally scared and it makes me giggle.

You're safe this time. But be careful. I shout sarcastically.

Veronica Sawyer
We are In Heathers Porsche and she's making me get corn nuts at the 7-11 by kurts house.

"It's not a party without corn nuts"

Yes but why am I in charge of getting them?

"Because Jeremy works here and I don't want to deal with him"

Oh my god. Heather got dumped so what? Be an adult and do it yourselffff

"Corn nuts"


As I'm getting out of the car, heather grabs my wrist.


I stop and look at her. She wraps her hand in mine and looks at me


Yes heather.

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