29. The Plane and Plans

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Veronica Sawyer
We've been on the plane back to Ohio for about an hour. Still have 3 to go and Heather is sleeping with her head on my shoulder. I'm assuming her mom is either behind us or in front of us but I don't see her. I feel Heather shift. As I look down, she just opens her eyes and looks at me. Neither of us say anything. I kiss her gently and she smiles into it. Normally I'm the one to pull away after a while but this time she does. We're at the back of the section of the plane meaning the only time people can really see us is when they go between classes. As she pulls away there's an attendant who walks past and mutters "Stupid dyke" under her breath. I was just going to let it go but Heather had other plans.

"Excuse me?" Heather asks in a tired voice

"What?" The older woman asks slightly irritated.

"What did you just call my girlfriend?" She asks.

"I didn't say anything..." the older woman now wears a worried expression. 

"That's what I thought. Move along" she demands.
I didn't want her getting too riled up so I pull her head into my chest which she willing nuzzles her head into a comfortable position before angrily muttering, "bitch" under her own breath.
That's my Heather. I normally wouldn't condone this but I like when you get protective. It's cute. I smile and kiss her again. She kisses back for a while and then pulls away.
"Sorry but, I'm tired. I'm gonna go back to sleep." She says in a sad tone.
It's Okay, babe. You need the rest. I smile and put my arm around her so that she can lean into me and get comfortable.

I'm worried about her. Recently she's been all over me and now she's kind of distant again. I can't leave her. Not like this. I love her more than anything in the world. But I can't deal with how things were at the beginning again. She used to drink all the time. She would be easily irritable but not aggressive. It was just hard to deal with. She would end up in detox center or in police stations almost every other week. She wouldn't tell anybody where she was going. She would just leave. It normally didn't bother me but when she was drunk I didn't want her driving. She'd get into fights and she  had gotten hit pretty bad by these guys. So it got to the point where I finally told her I would leave if she didn't get it at least under control. It broke my heart to tell her that. It broke my heart because I loved her AND because I could see that it broke hers too. She was very good at hiding most of her feelings but sometimes they would leak through the cracks. It has never been my goal to hurt her. Not intentionally. She knows I'd be here through her best and worst times...but she also knows that her health is important and she needs to get it back into her own hands.

About 30 minutes later, I start thinking about what I would do if I ever lost her. I mean, at the rate she's going she could very well lose her live. Whether it be driving while drunk or high, or somebody pulls a gun on her in a fight because she said something she shouldn't have. She could just die from the amount she's been drinking lately. I start to gently run my fingers through her curls as a tear falls from my eyes. By tear I mean several. I'm silent but somehow she knows and she wakes up.

Heather Chandler
I wake up and realize Veronica has been crying. I know because she doesn't normally mess with my hair. I can see the stains on her cheeks too.

Baby, why are you crying? I ask softly.

"It's nothing, babe. You can go back to sleep." She quickly wipes her eyes. I nod and lay my head back into her chest but I hear her inhale as if she were still crying so I reposition myself so that I'm on her lap with my arms around her neck.

I love you! You know that right? I ask in a soft but bright voice.

"Yea. I love you too, babe." She says.

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