34. Graduation

506 11 8

May 23rd 1990
Veronica Sawyer
"Heather! Veronica! Your possy is here! You're almost late" I hear her mom call. I shoot up

SHIT heather we are late! I shake her awake. She looks at her swatch and then jumps up. She stumbles over towards the bathroom. As we make our way across the room, Heather trips over a box.

"OUCH" I hear her say from the room.

You okay?

"Im fine. I just tripped over one of the moving boxes." She says.

They'll be gone by the end of today anyways. I shout.

Once we finish getting ready, we go downstairs. Mac is unusually close to Duke. She's hanging on Heathers arm like a little kid. She's always been like that. Heather McNamara, the childish but serious one. Heather Duke, the unstable but strong one. And Heather Chandler, the mythic Bitch. I can say that because I'm a Heather. Well...Veronica.

"Hey Duke...seems you made a friend" my Heather comes down behind me and tries to start shit.

"Hush" Duke replies.

ANYWAYS! we're going to be late! Let's go! I start to walk out the door and Heather grabs me.

What? I ask. She places a kiss on my cheeks and then my lips.

"You look really good tonight. EVERY night but tonight especially. That dress is just really hot...I bet what's underneath it is even hotter" she whispers.

Not right now. I feel my face get all hot.

"Sorry. But you're so hot! I can't help it sometimes. I'll try harder" she smiles. I can't help but smile back. I kiss her and then we walk out to Heathers jeep.

We're in the Heathers bathroom and it brings back memories. Heather has weed and we're passing it around sharing stories from high school. Most of them were funny until heather nudges heather. She sighs.

"This ones not really funny. It's more about the first time I met Veronica." Heather starts.

We met here.

"No. We met in 8th grade" she corrects me. Is it bad that I didn't remember that?

Wait I kind of remember that. I say.

"It was 8th grade and we had to do a science project together. You did all the work and I stumbled on the presentation because I couldn't stop staring at you. I knew I loved you right then and there. I just brushed it off though." She scoffs and looks at the ground. Miss Fleming walks in.

"Is that weed?" She asks.

Uhm. Uh. I- errrr.

"Let me have a hit" she says. I don't wait before handing it up to her. She leans against the wall.

Uhh you okay there, miss Fleming.

"Oh hell. Call me Pauline. And no. Westerburg is losing a generation. One with power. I rarely had to do my job because of you guys." She takes a long drag.

"Veronica!  We need someone to give a speech! Please!" She shakes my shoulders.

I- I guess. I take my hands and push hers off my shoulder.

"H-hey that's a new ring isn't it?" She asks.

Yes...I say.

"Wait a second..." she says walking over to my heather. She picks up Heathers hand and looks at the similar ring. Heather eventually pulls her hand away and wears this disgusted but happy look.

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