37. A pretty good team

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Veronica Sawyer
I can't really do or say anything. I feel myself get light headed and nearly pass out. Connor and heather come up to me. They wrap their arms around me. This is followed by heather doing the same.

"What's wrong?" Heather comes up to me. Shes followed by Connor and My heather, who wraps her arms around me and gives a string of apologies.

"I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. I am so sorry, babe." She whispers.

"Mommy? What's wrong?" She asks heather.
"Yeah! What's wrong with mom?" Connor adds and walks up beside her.

I'm okay. Don't worry about me. I smile. I'm just happy that Connor just referred to me as his mom. Everything is interrupted by a knock on the door.

Heather, take the kids and go show them pictures in the office, okay? I'll tell you when to come out. I whisper.

"Okay. Be careful." She kisses me and then leads the kids to the office.

I walk over the door and open it. She just waltzed in like it was her own house.

"It's nice. Where's the dy- girlfriend." She asks.

My WIFE is in the office right now. With the ki- cat. I quickly change the word but it's not enough.

"What kids?"

No kids. What are you talking about? I ask and get nervous.

"You can't hide shit from me veronica.

Heather Chandler
I took the kids into our office room because Veronica's mother was coming. We both agreed that it was not a smart or safe idea to have her around the children. We will keep it that way.

I hear her mother get increasingly loud and it's starting to worry Connor. So I pick up the phone and call 911. I didn't want to but she's obviously in no position or shape to be here.

"911 what's your emergency"

Hi yes. I need somebody to come and help me. My mother in law is in the other room with my wife. Things are getting quite loud and it's starting to scare our kids. I say calmly and quietly to avoid scaring the kids more.

"Ok. And where is the location of your emergency?"

I give them our address.

"Does her mother have any sharp objects or weapons on her person?"

Not that I know of.

"Ok we have a squad in route."

Thank you.

I hang up the phone and then walk back over to the wall of photos. Heather points to one of me and Veronica back in junior year. I believe it was New Year's Eve. 1988 was a crazy year and we were ready to get it over with!

"You and mom are silly" she giggles.
"Big glasses!" He points to me in a different photo.

Yes. I have big glasses. I pick them up off the desk and then put them on. I take the photos clipped to the wall and sit on the ground. Connor comes to the left of me and heather comes and sits on the right of me.

"Who is that in the picture?" She points at a picture of me standing next to a tall guy wearing green camouflaged uniform.

Thats Collin. He would've been your cousin. I smile.

"He's tall" Connor adds.

Yeah. He was taller than everybody in the family.

"Can we meet Collin?" Heather asks. My heart nearly breaks.

I'm afraid not, sweetheart. Collin passed away a month ago. I frown a little.

"He's here too?" Connor puts his hand over my heart and smiles.

Yes! He's always going to be there! Just then Veronica let's out a small Yelp. Before I can stop him, Connor leaves the room.

Shit. I was supposed to keep him in here! I think to myself. I run out after him.

Stay here okay? I tell heather to stay where she is. She nods and starts to cry. I quickly run to her before going to stop whatever's happening.

Hey hey hey don't cry. Mom is going to be right back okay? Don't you worry! I give her a hug and then follow

Veronica Sawyer
I was grabbing a bottle of water for my mom from the fridge when I closed the door on my hand. Naturally I yelled.  I hear Connors worried cry from behind me.


I'm ok. I'm ok. Shh. He was worried about me. How sweet. But Now my mother knows and this can't be good.

"So you think you can just hide this type of shit from me?" She slowly approaches me.

Hey can you watch the language please? I get slightly irritated at her carelessness.

"Seriously? You hide THIS from me? I raised you to up from nothing and what's my thanks? It's got two legs and a rats nest for hair." She insults my child and that sets me off. I hate her for embarrassing me in front of them.

Now you listen. That's my son. don't you EVER insult him again.

"No YOU listen." She pushes me against the fridge. Connor tries to push her but heather comes and takes her by the arm. She pushes my mother out of the door and then locks it.

I immediately hug Connor.

Are you okay? Did she hurt you? I ask.

"I'm ok. Are you?" He grips onto me.

I'm okay. Thank you so much. You are so strong. I praise him for being so strong.

Thank you heather. I love you. Thank you for helping. I hug her.

"Ya know? We make a pretty good team." She smiles.

Yeah we do! don't we? I chuckle.

"Family is so important. I never realized that until recently." She chuckles.

The only thing you find important is a slushee and BBQ corn nuts let's be honest. I tease her and we all laugh.

The rest of the night goes by like nothing happened. When heather gets into bed next to me I just wrap my arms around her and put my head on her chest.


"Yeah Ronnie?" She looks down at me.

Can you sing to me? I ask. I wasn't expecting her to say yes but she does. So I fall asleep like that. Just like when we were in New York. As happy as can be in the arms of my beautiful wife, Heather Chandler.

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