22. Happy Birthday

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*once again I have 175 photos of Jodie Steele and Carrie on my phone but none of them together as their characters💀 riperooni*

Friday February 6th 1989
Heather Chandler
I wake up next to a once again, shirtless Veronica. My room gets super hot at night. And I don't mean sexually I mean physically. It's Veronica's birthday and it also happens to be a Friday meaning her mother is coming to put us through an hour of absolute hell. It makes Veronica happy though so I put up with it. I just hope it goes better than the first time. I feel Veronica shift but she's still out cold. There was a Remington party and we got really wasted. Correction, SHE got wasted. I had to drive this time.

"Mmm what time is it?" She asks and covers her head with the blanket.

It's early. Not even 5:30 in the morning. Go back to sleep. I lie to her. It's 6:00. but only because it's her birthday and she's tired. She should get to sleep in.

Hey you stay here. I'm not feeling great. I'm gonna take a quick shower and I'll lay back down.

"Mmm" she groans her normal approval and soon enough she's out again.

After my shower I go lay back down for a few hours. I wake up at around 10:00 and realize that her mother's going to be here at 11:30 so I get up and leave her to sleep. Before I walk out I walk back to Veronica...just to make sure she's still alive. She never sleeps. Normally She sleeps until 7:30 and then is up my ass about "what shall we do today" but it's cute. She's like a little kid sometimes. But I love her.

I start preparing for the meal. I'm making her favorite. Spaghetti with extra oregano. I carefully add a tiny bit of salt to the water in the pot. I then pour the pasta that I made from scratch because who doesn't love homemade pasta.

As I'm cooking there's a knock at the door. I look at my swatch and it's only 11:00. I carefully go over to the door and open it slowly. It's her mom. She's early. At least im dressed.

Hi. Sorry! Come in! I'm just preparing the food. I'll get Veronica. I say as I frantically make my way to the stairs.

Hey babe? Your moms here!

Veronica Sawyer
"Your moms here!"

I'll be down in a minute!

Ugh fuck. She let me sleep all morning. I think to myself. I get up and throw one of heathers red hoodies on and my favorite blue skirt that's just a little too short for...everybody but mine and heathers liking and I make my way down the stairs.

"Good morning. Nice sweatshirt where'd you get?" Heather asks sarcastically

Oh I got it from this great store called "my girlfriends closet" I joke back. My mother clears her throat and then of course, lectures me.

"That skirts a bit short. It's cute. But short." She says trying to be civil.

Thanks. Hey something smells really good! What is that? I ask as I follow the smell. Heather comes out of the kitchen. "Nope Nope Nope. Not until it's ready! You'll kill the surprise!" She comes out. This is the first that I've seen her all day. She comes and wraps her arms around me.

"Happy birthday, princess" she smiles and places a kiss on my lips before going back into the kitchen. I smile. My mom then comes up to me and hands me a card. I open it and read what it says.

Veronica, happy birthday. I haven't known what to get you for the last 5 years. So here's some cash to buy whatever.

Awe how sweet! I'll definitely spend this on slushees and corn nuts. I smile and hug her. I hug her for the first time since Christmas.

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