23. The unpleasant visitor

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⚠️lil smutish⚠️
February 17th
Veronica Sawyer
I wake up with my head in Heathers lap.
"Hey princess, wake up." She says softly. She shifts a little before I push my head further into her lap.
"Babe we have school."

We're on spring break! I let out a series of tired groans.

"No babe. That ended yesterday." She says with a little giggle. "We've got SATs to study for! Being a senior is hard. I'm going to hop in the shower while you wake yourself up."

After she takes a shower, I get in and take one to wake up.As I'm showering I feel arms at my side. Then lips at my neck. I let out a soft moan.

H-heather what are you doing? Your mom is home.

"She's out cold don't worry. We've got like 2 hours anyways. Please ronnie?" She begs.

Heather we have school.

"Your just so hot. I can't resist you" she says in a very seductive manner. I lose it.

I turn around and kiss her. I'm hungry. Hungry for her love. I let her hands move to my hips and behind my back. I nip at her lip so that she can let my tongue in but she just smirks.

Open. I demand.

"Make me, Sawyer"

My hands find their way into her wet hair and I tug at it making her gasp. Giving my tongue access. She shoved her knee in between my legs and I whimper.

Just then there is a knock at the door.

"Er...can whatever you two are doing wait? Your mom wants to talk to you guys heather."

It was her cousin who had been staying with us for the last couple of weeks.

"Ugh. Yeah. Well be down in a minute." She sighs.

Sorry, babe. Maybe later.

"Fine. And by the way..."


"Thanks for being with me for six months todayyyyy" she says and places a kiss on my cheek. "I love you. I know i don't say it often but I do!" She says.

I go downstairs while heather is getting dressed and see that her mom is sitting next to...my mom...I'm not happy with her right now. After what went down. I shoot I look at Heathers non and she shoots another back as if to say "I tried but she got in"

Mom. What the hell are you doing here.

"I'll spare you the sob story. I need money. I can pay you back and I will. Just like last time. I lost my job. Your father fired me. Can you believe that? He said that I wasn't of use to the company-" I cut her off.

I'm not going to keep doing this. You dropped me. Remember? Remember the 7-11? Remember watching him fucking destroy me? I seem to remember you holding heather back from helping me too! I say with a straight face. She comes up to me. I don't move. I stand my ground. Until she smacks me across the face.

"$950 by Monday." She whispers.

"Mrs. Sawyer!" I hear a voice call.

Heather Chandler
I come down just in time to see Veronica being man handled by her own mother.

Mrs. Sawyer...you need to leave.

"I think I'll wait for my-"

I don't think you heard me. I'm not asking you. I'm fucking telling you. Leave. Right now. And don't you ever put another hand on MY girlfriend.

She gets up and I take Veronica into my arms. Get the fuck out. I say again. The small girl in my arms puts her head in my chest and cries.

"I don't understand what I'm doing wrong"

Shh nothing. You aren't doing anything wrong.

"That crazy BITCH is wrong." mom comes over and wraps her arms around both of us. She kisses the back of my head.

"Lord never turn out like that if you guys have kids."

"If we have kids?" Veronica asks.

I- we've never really discussed that before.

"It's never too early" my mom says with a smile.

Ok. Hey, Ronnie, wanna just stay home?

"Is that a good idea?"

"Yeah is that? You guys missed a week before spring break too."

Sure. I don't feel too great anyways. Maybe we can hit the 7-11. And a drug store. I say. I genuinely don't feel too great. So I need to get something that will help me feel better.

"I guess. I mean can we make an ice run? My face is in some real pain here."

Sure. I smile.


Oh god what?

"C-can i drive?"

Ronnie I don't know....

"Pleaseee" she begs.

I guess. I roll my eyes.

"THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU" she shouts as she squeezes me as tight as possible.

Yeah yeah! Here's the keys. I hand her the keys and we go to the store.

Veronica Sawyer
Relax it's not like I haven't driven you before.


Yeah! That day when you-

"Oh. Yeah. Let's not talk about that."

Sorry. I say as we pull into the store.

JD was sitting outside with a slushee. He shoots a look at chandler as if he was begging to get his ass kicked. So she knees him in the balls and flawlessly walks into the store. I walk in behind her and as I pass JD I simply say,
Sorry not sorry. And walk away.

Time pass

Heather Chandler
I wake up completely naked next to Veronica. I love days like this. Lazy days where we sit around and cuddle or....fuck...it's fun and mindless. Not much thought is required. I hug her body closer to mine. She leaves soft kisses on my neck. I like moments like this. Private moments where I can show the human side. I am a good person. You just have to get to know me really well. Not a lot of people took the time to do that. Only the other heathers and Veronica. Who I'm now in love with. She runs her hands through my hair and I'd normally yell at her because I did it nice this morning but instead I fall back asleep.

I wake up a few hours later. The door is open. 

Um. Veronica?

"Hmm?" She groans.

Did you leave our door open?

"What?" She says as she sits up.

Did you leave our door open?

"No. There's a stack of papers. Maybe Mac or Duke brought them."

That's when we hear it.

"Heather! Can you guys come downstairs?" My mother calls.

"Oh shit"


"We are completely" I cut her off.

I know.

"Well shit!"

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