27. A Sad Service

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Heather Chandler
It's our second day in New York and we've actually had some fun. We saw cats which is by far the weirdest thing I've EVER witnessed....and I've seen Jason ask a cashier out using Cashier puns....that was more embarrassing than it was weird.

"Babe, are you up?"
Y-yeah why?
"Do you wanna walk through Times Square?"
It's dark- oh wait it's probably really pretty. I guess. Let's go. I say as I walk to the bathroom and take some pain killers before grabbing my jacket and kissing Veronica on the cheek.

As we're walking beneath the beautifully lit streets, she stops and asks if I'm okay.
Yeah I'm alright. Just tired. I lie. I'm low on weed and pain killers. I'm obviously unable to function without them. After an hour of walking and 15 of hiding in an alley and making out before we got yelled at, we go back to the hotel and my mom is sitting on the bed.

"It's time. We have to say goodbye. Let's go. I'll start the car. Meet me out there." She says in a cold but sad tone.

W-wait one second. I say as I run to the bathroom. I need to either drink or take something. It's the only way for me to be happy.

"Heather, wait. I'm getting concerned" Veronica calls.

I try to shut the door before she gets there but I forget to lock it. As I'm taking a drink from the bottle she comes in.

Shit. Don't- I- errr

"Babe, what happened? You were doing so good!" She asks with a sad look on her face.

It's just one drink. It won't kill me. I promise. I lie to her. She looks at me again.

"Are you sure?" She looks into my eyes with a concerned face.

Yes. I lie again.

"Good because let me take a swig" she walks iver and holds out her hand.

She's all yours. I say, handing her the bottle.

Veronica takes a rather large drink.

Save some for me will ya? I tease.

"The more I drink the less you drink. It's only fair"  she smiles and kisses my cheek. I move my head and kiss her lips. Before quickly walking out into the parking lot. We're about to get in the car when she pulls me back and kisses me quickly. I pull her in again. We stay there for a few seconds until My mom honks at us. We both giggle as we get in the car and I lean over to Veronica,
Let's get this over with. Don't let me cry. If I cry, punch me.

We get to the hospital and go to the room Collin is in. I can't stand seeing him like that. He opens his eyes.

"H-heather?" I run up beside him pulling Veronica with me. I take my hand and put it in his.

I'm right here. Shh. I'm here.

"I-I love you. Kick ass okay?"

I always do.

"And heather?" He asks.

What's up? I ask with a smile.


Col? Collin?  Collin tell me. I look over to my mom. M-mom he's not breathing. I stutter.

Veronica Sawyer
"He isn't breathing" I watch as every happy emotion leaves her body at once. Her eyes go cold. Smile drops.

Come here. I open my arms and she falls into them. She hugs me as tight as she can. I know this because I could hardly breathe. But I didn't care. Al I cared about was making sure that she was okay. She obviously wasn't. She stands up not a single tear falling from her face. 
"I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom"
"I'm going to the bathroom. It's fine. I'm fine"

Heather Chandler
I run into the bathroom and take out a bottle. Alcohol and some pills I found in my moms cabinet. Some type of pain killers she was prescribed after her surgery a few years ago. I open the bottle and look into the mirror. I no longer see heather chandler. I see the old me. The old me who drank, got high, did drugs, and scared the shit out of people EVERY DAY just to feel something. Then I met Veronica. Thinking about her a smile creeps on my face. But I quickly remember why I'm in here. I look to the bottle of Jack I put under the counter last time I was here and the pills and I think to myself, who's going first. I pick both up. One in each hand. I've been gone for too long...it's not like I haven't been here before...in this place. I sit down and start drinking. Every drink I take just drowns my emotions out. I start to black out and then I remember how much I've actually had to drink today. I don't wake up until I feel somebody shaking me.

Veronica Sawyer
"Veronica could you go check on heather? I'm concerned enough as is. I'm worried that she's struggling with depression again." Mrs. Chandler asks me to check on heather.

Sure. I reply and walk out to the bathroom.
I knock on the door. Hey, baby? Babe? Baby? Heather? Open the door. Please? I'm coming in. I didn't get a response. I called her name at least 4-5 times. When I open the door, my eyes widen.

B-babe? Babe wake up. I call out as I run to her side. I see the almost empty bottle of Jack. Heather, come on let's go home. We're leaving tomorrow. I start to gently shake her. Babe come on. Stop playing dead. This isn't funny. She shifts a little and groans. Come on. Let's just go. I sigh.

"I'm so sorry" she whines.

Let's just go back to the hotel. I told your mom we'd take a cab so she's gone already. Youre welcome. I say sarcastically.

"Thank you for making sure she doesn't see me like this. I'm sorry." Heather whines again.

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