25. Jason Deans Expertise

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This chapter is all over the place :)))))I'm not sorry. We established at the beginning that I'm a horrible writer :)

Heather Chandler
Veronica is on the verge of hyperventilating as she paces back and forth around his seemingly lifeless body.

"I-i-I I can't go to prison! I've got a future! I didn't mean to do it!" She panicked. She sits hip up against the wall and checks for his pulse.



"H-he he's not breathing..."

Ronnie breathe. You need to breathe hun. I say just before he starts shifting around.

Veronica Sawyer
I'm about to lose my shit when I notice JD starts shifting again.

Oh my god!

"P-please! Don't h-hurt me"

I-I'm so sorry. I go to hug him and he flinches. It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. "O-ok"

C-come on. I'll buy everyone slushees.

We go to the 7-11 and get snacks and slushees and work out a deal.

Time pass.

February 20th 1989
Heather and I are at the 7-11 when we hear the doors fling open.

"Your glam mobile awaits! And it's in one piece!" Heather runs to the voice...
"thank you for not destroying my baby" she hugs him.
HEY! I thought I was your baby!
"You're my princess. There's a difference."
"Princess or baby, let's motor! There's a sale at limited and I've been DYING to get more flannels!"
Oh my god I smell the gay from miles away. I roll my eyes.
"Oh of course you can smell it. You are gay" he scoffs.
You've gotten too comfortable.
"Hey look it's the homo squad!"
S-shut up heather! I try to yell at Duke.
Duke hasn't been hanging around often. She's still a heather but only when my heather says so.
"Don't speak to me like that."
Oh yeah? Or what? I begin to turn back before feeling Jason pull me back.
"Oh no honey. We are not going through this again."
Ugh fine.
"Hurry up lame asses!" Heather calls from the brand new 1989 Porsche. I worked my ass off to help her pay for it. It was all worth it because it's OUR Porsche. I wanted a Volvo but she said she'd let me drive this one.

We get to the mall and it turns out Mac is there.
"Hey, princess?"
Yeah, babe?
"I promised JD I'd try to get him a date with that one really closeted guy at the blockbuster down the street. You stay here with mac"
"Don't let her have too much sugar. She's already bouncing off the walls as is."
I won't. Don't worry. I chuckle.
I watch as my sexy ass girlfriend walks away with JDs....very flamboyant lookin ass....

Jason Dean
Okay we have approximately 30 minutes to find the ring you were talking about and get it somewhere Veronica won't find it. I say in my best heist voice.

"Cut the voice shit head. You sound stupid." She laughs.

We walk into the jeweler next to the block buster.
"Shit I don't see it. I have to find a better one."

I gasp. Do my eyes deceive me? Heather Rose Chandler get your ass over here and look at this gorgeous ring!

"You? I don't trust a man when it comes to-oh my god"

Heather Chandler
Oh my god that's the one! It's- I'm never doubting your taste again.

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