32. At Church?!

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⚠️18+ SECSY TYME⚠️
Veronica Sawyer
I wake up next to my beautiful heather. It seems that her mom is home.

"Heather? Veronica?" She calls.

SHIT. I whisper

"Mmmmm" she groans

We aren't dressed and your mom is home....

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!" She quickly gets up and we both rush to get whatever clothes we could find on. I end up in her hoodie that swallows me and black jeans. She ends up in my hoodie and her own jeans.

Uhhh fuck fuck! ACT NATURAL! I say as I hear her mom walking up the stairs.

Sarah Chandler
I walk upstairs. It's quiet....that's rare for those two. They think I can't hear them but these walls aren't that thick.

Are you two clothed? I whisper outside the door. It's silent. They must be sleeping. Hopefully clothed because I'm coming in. I open the door and to my surprise they are fully clothed sleeping. It's SO cute too. Veronica has her body between Heathers legs and her arms wrapped around her body. Her head is on Heathers stomach and heather wears this adorable little grin.

Awe...so cute....that you think I believe you're actually sleeping. I say sarcastically. I hear heather start to laugh.

"Baaaaaabe! You blew our cover!" Veronica giggles.

"Sorry but it was funny." She kisses the blue girl on top of her. It goes on for a bit too long and I clear my throat.


Heather...it's Sunday...I say.

"Ugh do we have to?"

One Sunday out of every month is all your father wants. I beg her to just comply for once.


"Church?" Veronica mumbles. She fell asleep as heather and I were talking.

Sadly. Yes. I rub her back. I love her like my own daughter. She's become a part of my life. I'm happy she's here for heather. I think they'll actually stay together too.

Heather Chandler
as were in the car, Veronica lays her head on my shoulder.
"I love you" she says quietly.
We've been together for so long. My mom doesn't care what you say. I tease her.
"I LOVE YOU" she says louder
GAH! Was not expecting that. I love you too! I kiss her. I kiss her again....and again....and I start wanting more than I can have at the moment. So I decide to pull away.

"It's about time...we're here. Try to make it more than 5 minutes without sneaking off to make out or whatever it is that you do." She teases us. My mom has learned that the more she leaves us be, the better it is for everyone. She doesn't really care though.

We are in the middle of a service when I decide to pull Veronica into the bathroom.

"Yes?" She asks. I don't speak I just kiss her. She leans against the sink and I follow her without removing our lips. After about 8 minutes of just kissing, I start to slide my hands down to her pleated skirt.

"Heather what are you doing?" She asks.

You know exactly what I'm doing, princess. I whisper before I start to kiss her neck. She lets out a quiet moan.

"I- mmmm isnt it a l-little wrong to f-fuck your Girlfriend in a Church?" She says between soft moans.

There's a difference between fucking your girlfriend and fucking your wife. I say and then the door opens.

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