15. New Life New...house...

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Heather Chandler
I wake up to the sound of sniffles. I roll on my side and see that Veronica is on the phone. It's almost 6 am on a Saturday.

"Ok. I'll see if I can come get my stuff."

She hangs up the phone and lays back down.

I wrap my arms around her.

Early rising huh?

"My moms selling the house." She says. Her voice is shaky. She's been crying.

Awe babe I'm sorry.

"My dad asked me to come pick up my room later today. Anything left there is being sold with the house."

Come to work with me. We can drop by afterwards. I'll take my dads suburban.

"Thanks babe. What time do you have to be at work?" She asks and plays with my hair.

9:35. I'm only taking half of Tracy's shift. By the way my parents are coming home later tonight and they said my crazy ass family is coming. It's not Christmas Eve without a crisis. I chuckle.

"I'll get up and get ready. Are you gonna shower first or can I?" She asks while stretching.

Go ahead. Just doing my makeup and getting dressed today.

"Cool" she says walking to the bathroom.

A few minutes later I knock on the door.

Can I come do my makeup?

"I don't care. It's your house!" she chuckles.

It'll just be a minute. I say.

I start doing my makeup as she gets out.

"So are you sure you can take me to work with you?" She asks as she dries her hair in her towel.

Babe it's the back of a Walmart. Tracy brings her boyfriend all the time. Manager is rarely back there. It'll be fine! I assure her.

She smiles and goes to place a kiss on my cheek. I turn my head jsut fast enough to where it hits my lips instead. Ha! Gotcha! I giggle. She laughs and playfully hits me.

Let's get outa here. I say grabbing my keys.

We head off to my work and spend the whole day screwing around until it's time to go back to Veronica's room to get her stuff. She's sad. I can tell.

Veronica Sawyer
"We're here. Do you want me to wait in the car?"

I'll only be a minute. I just need to see what there is before I come out for boxes.

"Alright. I'll be here."

I go up to my old room and my eyes begin to water. I must have been there for a while because the next thing I know, There's 2 hands on my back.

"You grew up here."

"We started dating here."

I had my first kiss here...I say


Yes. You.


Let's start. I say as I put a box together and start taking pictures off of my wall.

I cry as I pick up a picture of me and my mom. I drop it in the trash and heather picks it up.

"Keep it. Trust me."

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