33. Planning The Future

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This is going to be a LONG. ASS. FUCKIN. CHAPTER. I apologize sincerely :))))

Heather Chandler
I wake up and look at the clock on the wall. It reads 2:47pm. Either it's off or we slept all day. I look at Veronica who's out cold. I still feel like shit. I feel something move. I look down and my eyes widen. I nearly scream with excitement. There is an adorable grey kitten just laying on my feet. It sits there and just plays with its own paws. It's at that moment when Veronica shifts. I pick my head up off of her chest.

Did we really sleep until 2? I ask. She looks at her swatch, "yeah. It's okay. You need to stay in bed okay? So you can get better" she insists.

Fine. I say. After a pause, I speak again.
Who's your furry friend? I ask
She looks down in shock.
"Whey- why- wha- I thought I-...I don't know. He was just sitting on the couch. I left the door cracked thinking he'd leave and go back home but I guess this is home?" She asks.

I mean maybe it's dukes cat? I try to sort it out.

"Duke is allergic. Like me. Just worse." She responds.

Poor thing. We don't live here buddy. I don't think I can take you home either. I pet him. He is super soft. I stop petting him and lay back down but he has other plans. He comes back up to my face and starts swatting at the strands of long curly hair that are in front of my face.

"Leave her alone, kitty! She needs to sleep" Veronica giggles.

We aren't naming him kitty. I chuckle.

"Heather, we aren't keeping him." She corrects me.

I knew that.....Hey can you call heather and ask her if we can stay here for a few days? I don't want to get my mom sick. I ask. She nods her head and then looks at me. I'm busy teasing the cat with my hair.

"Oh so HE gets to play with your hair but I don't?" She acts hurt and chuckles.

I wouldn't mind it right now. You can touch it. I sigh. She plays with my hair. I still feel really bad. My nose is stuffed up and she can tell. Heather said we could stay here as long as we and I quote, "stay the fuck away from her" so I told my mom we're going to stay here. I feel really needy so I wrap my arms around Veronica and rest my head on her chest. She rubs my back until the cat comes up to her.

"No! I'm allergic to you. I want to pet you but I shouldn't" she giggles. Eventually, she gives in and lets him into her lap.


"Heather, we cannot take it home"


"Your mom would not let that happen..."

Then what if we just stayed here forever...

"You know...I wouldn't mind a house like this some day." She replies calmly.

Theres 5 rooms. We could turn one into an office. Start our business. The other Heathers could come and spend weekends here too!

"Maybe they could live here with us!" She gets excited.

Who knows. I can't believe you'd want to live with me.

"I love you. Of course I would."

I mean, I have been looking at houses and stuff. I haven't made any huge decisions without you though. If you're okay with it maybe we can work on it. I start to tell her.

"You never really struck me as the type of girl to plan for the future." She smiles.

I planned for my future with you. I try to act all smug.

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