9. Veronicas Diary #1

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Dear diary, today I slept with the queen of westerburg....to put it in exact words...Duke broke her window though. Heather was PISSED.

Anyways, I'm writing because they are working on a project. It's surprising I know. I've never seen heather do any physical homework in my life. Every once in a while, she'll look over to me and smile before getting sucked back into work by one of the others.

She really does make me happy. Who gives a shit what other people think. I know Duke has a problem with it but she doesn't wreck us for it. I know other people are going to say something if they ever find out. But I don't care. As long as I have heather, I'm happy. That's all that matters. I'm happy she's happy.

Heather looks to me and when she does I see a side of her that nobody gets to see. It's like it's reserved for me. Veronica Sawyer. A human side. I believe I could change her. It's not my goal of course. But I believe i could change her if I really wanted to. But I see her for her. That's what matters right? It's not often that you find someone who's exactly the opposite of you but also someone you can get along with at the same time. I used to be a nobody....and then heather changed that for me. She actually agreed to let me into their popular clique. I'll admit...sometimes it feels more like a job. Not being friends. But it's ok. I'm getting to know them better and I'm enjoying it.

That's al I'll write for now. I think we're all gonna watch a movie before bed.


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