24. The Final Trip

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I'm sorry I had to do it. I had the perfect idea for this.
February 17th 1989
Heather Chandler
Hey mom! I say awkwardly.


What's up that isn't the sky? I'm blowing it.

"Two things, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Huh? Nothing? Why?

"You're just acting all weird. And are you feeling okay? you sound really congested"

No I don't feel okay. I'm sick. That's why I stayed home. To avoid getting the heathers sick.

"Okay well I wanted to let you guys know that David is leaving tomorrow and I'm leaving tonight."

Go figure.

"BUT this is the last time. Then your father and I will be able to work from home."


"That's awesome!" Veronica comes down wearing my hoodie again.

Nice outfit. Might have to steal it BACK one day. I tease her. A light blush washes over her.

"Babe you sound really sick."

I'm fine! I insist. It is getting really hot in here though. and I can't really breathe that well and things are kind of spinning? I think that's the word! Wait Ronnie whats it called when things go like this? I ask and I move my hands in a circular motion.

"You guys are weird. I'm off to work. See you later. Bye bye" my mom leaves.

"It's called spinning and what do you mean things are spinning?" She answers me.

You. Spinning. The walls. Melting. Now the sound is wooshing. I start to giggle. Everything is funny as fuck right now.

"Heather what the hell?"



I think I was drugged.

"What? By who?"

Remember when I set my slushee on the counter to look for the corn nuts earlier today?


I saw JD. He was walking away from it. I think JD drugged me. I think it's bad.

"Just breathe okay?"

Well I'm trying Ronnie. In case you haven't realized I'm sick too.

"There's no need to get angry." She responds.

I'm sorry.

A few minutes go by and things are only getting worse. There's this huge vapor like thing it looks like JD and it feels like it's inside of me now. I run to the bathroom as I feel myself getting sick. Veronica comes in and sits on the ground next to me. She holds my hair back and just talks to me in a calm voice telling me everything's going to be okay. I can't believe that when everything is not okay. I keep throwing up and it still feels like it's there. He's inside of me and he won't leave.

GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BODY! I feel tears form and then fall. She wraps her arms around me. It feels like I'm falling down a never ending hold that JD has dropped me down. I grab onto her hoodie.


"Yes heather?"

I'm scared. I admit it for the first time.

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