3. Are You Scared Of Me?

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Veronica Sawyer
"Let's go Sawyer!" Heather Chandler says as she gets out of her car walking up to her house.

We go up to her room and she takes her shirt off to slip into a sweatshirt The same color as her shirt.



Sorry I get distracted easily. Are you gonna find me a slutty skirt or something?

Sawyer? Hey! Hey Sawyer!

"Sorry I get distracted. Are you gonna find me a slutty outfit?"

Depends....what makes my outfits SO slutty? I say approaching her. she's starts to back away and stops just before the wall.


Why so frightened Veronica?

"Um I'm uh  not frightened at all. Heheh" she nervously chuckles as I get even closer to her.

She closes her eyes tight and tenses up fearing that I will hit her.

I get close to her ear and whisper


"Oh my god" she stutters in fear.

Tell me, Sawyer! Are you frightened? I whisper and she begins to hold her breath.

"No" she squeals quietly. She's lying. I'm enjoying this.

I'm going to ask you again and this time be 100% honest. I say as I walk behind her. She doesn't turn to me instead she faced away from me.

I took my arm and brought it around her neck holding her in a gentle choke hold.

"Shit" Veronica shivers at the touch of her new friend.

Do I scare you? I ask in an intimidating tone.

"Mmm" she groans and then breathes in and out rapidly.

Are. You. Scared. Of. Me? I whisper in a very seductive yet intimidating tone.

"No. Why, should I be?" She whispers causing everything inside of me to melt.

So I spin her around and kiss her.

Veronica Sawyer
"Are you scared of me?" She whispers in my ear.

This knocks me over the edge. I'm beyond flustered. 
I feel so superior right now. Normally I wouldn't do this but something is different.

No. Why?...should I be? I whisper in an intimidating way.

She aggressively spins me around and crashes her lips into mine.

This lasts for a few seconds before she pulls away. She looked into my eyes and for the first time in my life, I saw a hint of human in her eyes.

I immediately pull her back into the kiss and she turns my back to the wall before slamming me into it.

Ouch! I groan. Why is she so aggressive? I think to myself.

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