2. Shopping Trip

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Dear diary! Heather has gotten to know me pretty well. I'm excited for tonight! Nervous but excited. Very.

Veronica Sawyer
It's been about a week since I've been with the heathers....heather Chandler and Duke have been really harsh on me lately. But I push it off as being new.

I'm walking down the hall when I spot Heather McNamara being cornered by Kurt and ram. I was about to try ripping them away from her when Heather Chandler jumps from out of nowhere ripping the two off of her.

She looks at both of them who are now shaking in fear of what the queen will do to them.

"Heather, put them down and see my in my office." I hear Gowan shout.

"Why me? That's bullshit" she says walking into his office.

Shit! Are you okay, Mac? I ask

"I'm fine" the smaller girl replies.

"Are you guys ready for tomorrow, Sawyer?" I hear a voice call from behind. I turn to see Heather duke wearing a white and green blazer and a skirt that is a bit too short.

Not really....I say. It's the truth. I'm terrified. Heather is taking me shopping after school today to find something that makes me look more presentable. 

Heather comes out of the office holding a sheet of paper.

Detention for almost beating the shit out of Kurt and ram?

"No. I got dress coded" she says. I thought she was being sarcastic so I chuckled.

"DONT start,Sawyer. You'll have your fair share by the start of senior year." She scoffed.

Wait. You ACTUALLY got dress coded? I ask.

"Take a look at me, Sawyer!" She says.

I do. Maybe too much of a look...

Shit she's REALLY good looking! I think to myself



Veronica starts to bite her lip as she's looking me up and down. It does please me a little to see that she is flustered by my looks.

Hey Sawyer! That's enough.



"Shit sorry!"

Pull that shit again. I dare you.

"Sorry, Heather...I uh uh...sorry" she stutters.

I chuckle at this.

Just be ready AT 3:45. I'm picking you up and we are hitting the Sherwood mall. You need an outfit that makes you look slutty. I say with a smirk.

"Just give me one of your outfits. It'll do the same job." She says trying to be intimidating and it's funny.

I give her a very scary look.

What did you say Sawyer? Are you suggesting I dress like a slut? I say while slowly getting closer to her.

Her breath gets heavier and she starts to shake a little.

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