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The Man Whom They Call Fury

Rated K+ for violence and small bit's of romance

Pairing: Hiccstrid, ToothlessxLuna 

[Disclaimer] Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a wonderful time with the holidays! Christmas was amazing for me as we had a party and I got a diary! Well it's a life journal but like ya.  Some good news is that I have made a sort of timeline for what is to come next in this story so lets get a move on!

Chapter 22

The car that everyone was in sped down the highway. The land quickly zooming past them all. It was for certain that it was a little hard to digest the fact that Luna's sister was in fact Astrid's best friend Stella, or Stormfly as she liked to be called. 

"Ok so Luna's sister is Stella who's my best friend. Stella lives in the city last time I checked so what's stopping us from paying her a visit?" Astrid said. The car was in complete silence. Luna was still a bit shocked that she managed to remember her sister.  Suddenly the car stood to a halt.

"We're here, Raven's point!" Victor said as they all got out of the car. There were several houses around a stone circle kind of thing. The lampposts illuminated a path that went round the houses. There were flowers in a garden present in the middle of the circle. There were a couple of cleaners, some gardening and some sweeping. Some were putting out the garbage while some were giving water to the plants." These are the undercover guards I was talking about.  Victor said as the gang looked around. 

"There may be a slight problem though." Victor began, everyone turned t see him, "It's not a matter of security but a matter of space. See these houses can hold only 2 people at a time and there are 8 of you so you will have t share. Everyone though for a second. Suddenly Hayden came up with an idea.

"What if the ladies pick who they want to share a house with and the last two in the end will share?" Everyone thought about it. Astrid was confident while Luna was a bit shy. She wanted to stay with Toothless so badly. 

"I pick Hayden." Astrid said.

"Um. I pick Fishlegs!" Ruffnut exclaimed. Everyone was a bit hocked by the decision.

"Luna, who do you pick?" Ruffnut asked.

"Umm, umm. I pick.... Toothless." Toothless walked over to her.

"Well, I guess now Snotlout and Tuffnut share!" Toothless said. They all separated from each other and picked a home to share. In the end Toothless and Luna ended up together and in a pretty decent house. As they unlocked the door and walked in, the smell of flowers hit there nose. The living room had an electric fire that was licking the hearth, a couple of sofas along with a mini-fridge (I'm basing this off my old home in England mixed with imagination so please bare with me lol) and a beautiful mattress covering the floor, the walls were plastered with a cream paste. Toothless and Luna walked into dining room. There was a massive table in the middle and a big cupboard to the side. There was a door-like opening to the kitchen. It had a door leading to the backyard and was lined with a checkered flooring pattern. There was a counter present along with over-head cabinets. There was also a bigger fridge to the side. They took a full loop back into the entrance. They also noticed a place for shoes. There was a staircase leading upwards. They slowly made there way up. The carpeting on the stares rubbed with their legs as they went up. There was a bathroom present at the top of the stairs. It was a normal bathroom with a pure white floor. To the left had a room that controlled security with computers, alarms and much more. Down a small corridor was a bedroom. There was a table there, two beds along with nightstands and a couple of switches connected to lights. To the side next to the door was an in-built cupboard that contained dresses mourning to be worn and much more. There was also a window that looked down to the 

"Well this is going to be interesting!" Toothless exclaimed as he dropped his suitcase on one of the beds. Luna slowly but hers on the other as they both slowly started to unpack.

(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Night slowly dawned on all of them as their eyes slowly started to wear themselves to sleep. Hayden was laying in bed. That day had been slow. Hayden made lunch and dinner as he painstakingly found out that Astrid couldn't cook from the breakfast she had made. He chuckled a bit. Astrid was in the shower. He heard the bathroom door open. The door to the room they were sharing had opened to se Astrid in her pyjamas. 

"Hey babe," Astrid said rubbing her hair with a towel.

"Hello milady." Hayden said getting up, wrapping his arms in front of her while he hugged her from behind. She have a soft giggle as he rested his head on the crook f her neck. They were madly in love with each other. Astrid wrestled Hayden onto to the bed as they shared soft kisses.


Toothless was in an uneven sleep. He was dreaming about his parents and how they were killed. It was a nightmare he had often, having one only last week. His thoughts and dreams were suddenly interrupted by a soft whimper and weeping. He got up and looked around the room. He instantly noticed that Luna wasn't in bed as usual. 

"Luna?" He sharply whispered as he got out of bed. He heard the soft weeping again, then a soft shuffle. He turned to were it came from. The cupboard..... 

He slowly took the door handle and opened it to find the source of it. Luna was hunched down by the side of the insides of the cupboard with her head in her knees. Toothless put his hands around her and slowly rocked back and forth. Luna calmed down a bit.

"Are you ok?" Toothless asked. She sniffed a bit. 

"I-I had a n-nightmare." She said snuggling closer to Toothless, a slight blush forming by her cheeks. Toothless slowly got her up.

"Toothless, can I sleep with you?" Luna pleaded. Toothless was taken aback from the question.

"Ok, hop in!" He said as they slowly crawled back into bed. Luna felt safe again back into the arms of Toothless. The same question in their minds.

How do I tell you that I love you?


Well, that went much better that I expected! I know that this chapter was a bit more on ToothlessxLuna. Fair warning that the next couple of chapter will be about ToothlessxLuna so pls don't spam the comments!

Happy Christmas to all of you and Happy new year!

Nothing else to say currently!

Happy new year!


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