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Hey everyone! It's ya boi  Roosh back again with another chapter!

Feel free to review/comment/follow/favourite or message me! Only love! No hate.

Shout outs in chapter called I'm back. More shall be given today!

DISCLAIMER! :- I do not own anything!

PAIRINGS:- Hiccup+Astrid


[No POV]

As she hung up the phone, Astrid wandered about the complex searching for the gun range. The eerie corridors along with the suspenseful silence awarded a mist of the unknown. 

Where is that place!  She thought. After some time she ended up at a door. The label said RECORD ROOM. Curiosity took over as her mind tried to forget the Idea and continue her quest for Hiccup. In the end she decided to enter the room, unaware of the activity going on inside.


As she entered the room, she felt a strange presence. She held a hand on her pistol as she peeked around the shelves of records. A loud fan over her obstructed anyone from hearing her footsteps as she crept over to the next shelve. Her eyes lay on an object that lay on one of the many desks that were scattered all over the place. As she moved to the desk she noticed files all over the desk and the object. She slowly grabbed the object and came to her senses. It was a knife.....

There was something odd about the knife, there was, on the handle, the symbol of the forge which Astrid recognized as  Gobber trademarked each of his knifes. A piece of paper was tied on the tip of the knife. She unraveled it. There were no lines or dots on the paper but one word HERE.  As she read it her finger grazed an indent at the tip of the knife. She peered at it as her memory caught up with it. How? How is this possible? It can't be right?  She allowed herself to enter her thoughts. The knife and the night layed a blanket over her as she was swept my the ocean of memories.

[Astrid's POV]

I remembered that night when he got me pregnant. I was drunk but I do remember him pulling out his knife and laying it on the table. As I came back into reality, I held the knife in my hand. It was Jack's. I looked through the files that lay there on the table. There was one name on all of them. My heart fell into my stomach. It said ASTRID HOFFERSON! I pulled out my gun and glanced around me. Nothing. Suddenly the door to the room opened and I heard footsteps enter. I flung myself to the white wall and peered to the side of the shelves. Three men, all looking around my age, Started to make their way to a room at the other end of the shelves. I followed as it led to a door. Through the glass I could make out their silhouettes and and woman's who I assumed was the record keeper I pulled out my phone and started recording it. The men started to shout.

"Where is his file!" One shouted. They all pulled out Glock 18s. The woman whimpered as she gave an answer.

"I-In the b-back room..." Then a gunshot rang out through the room. The men made their was out of the poor woman's office and head my direction. I started to panic as I gripped my gun tighter. As they came my way they made a left to the desk I was at. They looked at the desk as one of them slipped his hand into a draw and a click was heard. The wall slide open as the people made their way in. It was a secret passage!


It felt like years went by as I followed the men. The passage winded hear and there, splitting into multiple ways. I could see the lights from the men's flashlight gleam in the thick blanket of darkness but after a while, The men stopped and opened a door. I watched as they started to rummage through files. I pulled my gun out and aimed at at them. I was about to pull the trigger when I felt a gun on the back of my head.

"Now now dear, let's not make a mess shall we?" He said. I dropped my gun as she shoved me to the three men.

"Now what do we have here!" A man exclaimed. I stayed silent. Then I felt someone kick me in the stomach. I lay on the floor clutching my stomach in pain. I felt a meaty hand haul me up as they pinned me to a wall.

"Let's have some fun shall we?" One of them exclaimed as a hand slipped down my body. I started to cry. times of me and Hiccup started to fill me head. Suddenly a bunch of bullets filled the room as the people dropped dead on the floor. I curled up as I heard footsteps and me being engulfed into a warm hug.


There you all go! Sorry if it a bit short. My bad. And again sorry for the bit late upload. Yes my exams are finally over!

Um.. I don't think there are any shout outs today so I will see you all on Thursday!

Stay safe, dream big!


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