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The Man Whom They Call Fury

Rated K+ for Violence and Hiccstrid.

Pairings: HaydenxAstrid( Hiccstrid ), ToothlessxOC (Light fury)

[Disclaimer] Hello everyone! It's me back again. I have amazing news..... MY EXAMS ARE OVER! yep I did them and they were pretty easy. Now I am finished I can focus and the quality content I am giving. 


[Normal POV]

The cold had began to set in around the freezing mountain. The cafeteria was empty and so were the bedrooms of the gang. Suddenly, a planes engine erupted into life as it slowly made it's way down the runway. Inside were the gang. Hayden and Astrid were sharing a pair of earphones. Dagger was reading a book, something which was highly unusual among the others. Snotlout was snoring fast asleep while the twins were arguing over how their grandfather was a tree. Toothless on the other hand was staring out of the window into the cold sky. His mind was fixated on only one particular subject, or person. He looked back at the girl who was resting her head on his shoulder laying in a silent sleep. he gave a soft smile and looked back out of the window as the ground beneath them started to disappear under all of them. This is it, the end of BATO is near  he thought as he slowly gave into the eternal abys of dreams.....

φ(* ̄0 ̄)

The plane rumbled into life as it touched the ground. Hayden had immediately jolted up. 

"Milady, wake up." He said nudging he lover. She slowly blinked her eyes open, gazing into her boyfriends eyes. Hayden looked at the rest of the people behind him. It had been a long journey to Berk. He instantly noticed that Toothless was also awake nudging Luna up just like he did. Hayden had been taking notes of how Toothless acted with Luna. It was almost like care. He pushed those thought behind him as he now slowly got his luggage from the over-head baggage area and pulled out two suitcases. Both him and Astrid got ready to get of the plane. He again looked behind him, this time to see everyone awake. He intertwined his hand with Astrid's as they slowly made their way out of the plane. Suddenly a car came into view. Out came two men.....

"Ahh, Victor, Ryan, nice to see you could come!" Hayden greeted the men. They both were waring specially tailored suits. Victor was wearing grey and Ryan was wearing black. It was noticeable to Luna and the gang that Toothless and Hayden had a sort of history with these men. 

"Umm, who are you?" Astrid spoke up coming forward.  

"These two men are Victor and Ryker Grimborn. They own the biggest corporation of bounty hunters called 'The Hunters'. After I was nursed back to health by Dagur and Heather, I found out about them. They're like family." Hayden gave a half smile.

"Toothless, I am dearly sorry trying to kill you the first time we met. I am absolutely sure we both can come to an understanding." Victor said. Toothless chuckled a bit.

"Hey it's ok Victor, I already forgave you." Ryan gestured to an open door as all the people clambered inside. Victor sat in the navigators seat as Ryan took the wheel. The airport slowly disappearing behind them.

"So where are we going exactly?" Snotlout asked. Everyone were also thinking the same thing.

"Well, we as Hunter corp. do own our own fair share of land for our men. The search was at a loss until we set our eyes apon a little piece of land just on the outskirts of Berk. It's called Ravens Point. It is perfect. It's at the edge of a forest, has around the clock 24 hours CCTV including guards disguise it is perfect!" Hayden nodded. Astrid on the other hand was a bit curious.

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