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Ok Hello everyone! It's ya boi Roosh back again with another chapter! I want to thank you all for your patience while I was recovering and I am back!

Feel free to review or favourite me or this story

And up up and away!


[Astrid's POV]

I shut the door on them. I mean like how on Earth can they say things like that after what happened to me. I shivered just at the though of it as A sweet smelling thing was wafted into my nose. My mouth started to water as I turned around to see Hayden putting what looked like pasta bolognese on the table. As I walked closer I saw 2 plates opposite each other with a candle in the middle. Then the cutlery was glimmering silver and a bottle of champagne sat in a bath of ice.

( Pasta bolognese looks like the pic bellow)

( Pasta bolognese looks like the pic bellow)

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"Ahh milady, your dinner is served." Hayden said as I sat down in a chair. He grabbed something and poured the pasta onto my plate as well as his as he took of his brown apron and sat down opposite me. Suddenly, the lights dimmed and the candle in the middle erupted with light.

"Wow Hayden, this is really romantic." I said grabbing a fork and began with the pasta. As soon as it entered my mouth it erupted with flavour. I couldn't help but moan in pleasure.

"Mmmmmm. This pasta is great! When did you learn to cook like this?" I asked putting a bit more in my mouth. Hayden grabbed the champagne bottle and opened it, allowing the foam to slowly release itself. He gently poured it into a wine glass and handed it to me. I graciously took it as he filled what I think was his own glass and sat down.

"Well, during my horrific stay at BATO I did want to learn how to cook but Stoick never gave a damn so when I left and I met Dagur and Heather, they took me here. Now when I first stayed here Dagur introduced me to Bewliderbeast's head chef called 'Linguini'. He has a pet rat called 'ratatouille'. He is the one who cooks everything here. After a couple of weeks I asked him to teach me and he did. That's how I learnt how to cook. During the entire training we got to know each other. I got to learn about him that his father was a famous chef in Paris called ' Auguste Gusteau' but he died. Linguini came to his restaurant as a garbage boy but then showed of his cooking skills. He actually managed to teach his rat how to cook too!" Hayden finished. I picked up my glass and had a sip of the champagne.

"What kind of champagne is this?" I asked. 

" It's a rare French champagne called 'A LOIR VALLEY WHITE'. I managed to get my hands on it when I went to Paris for an assassination mission."

"Wait so you get to everywhere in the world?" I asked eating more of the pasta. Hayden took a sip of the drink as he answered.

"Well it depends where the target is. If they're in Morocco then I get to go to Morocco and so on." I was amazed at him. I wish everyone else could see him. Suddenly I spotted something odd.

"Uhh Hayden..... WHERE ARE YOUR WINGS!" he looked puzzled at first and then realised what I was talking about.

"I-I don't know. Its like when I'm scared or confused they appear but when I'm calm or happy I feel fine. It's really weird. Let's just forget about them and enjoy dinner." I looked back on the dinner as we ate it talking about each other. I hadn't even realised we were holding hands the entire time. After dinner Hayden got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Umm where are you going?" I asked. He gave a light chuckle.

"Well milady, surely you would like desert?" I smiled as he went into the kitchen. When he came back I was shocked. He placed a bowl infront of me that had chocolate flavoured  ice-cream with a drizzle of chocolate sauce with some sprinkles on top. I also noted slices of seedless strawberries on top. It looked like heaven. I got a spoon and dug into the ice cream. Hayden stayed unusually quite during desert. 

As I finished up Hayden got up and took my bowl and went into the kitchen. I could hear water running. It stopped as Hayden emerged from the kitchen. 

"Well, dinner is over so I'm assuming you would want to sleep so I'll sleep on the sofa, you can have the bed."

"No no it's fine, I guess we could cuddle?" I asked. He looked at me for a second then smiled. 

"Ok then, Of we go to bed!" He ushered me to take his hand as we walked over to the bed...

[Normal POV]

The couple walked into a room containing a bed, a closet and a bathroom. Astrid sat on the bed along with Hayden, who slowly moved to a laying position. Astrid slowly lay down next to her lover, embracing him as he moved his arms around her. Hayden grabbed an object from the night stand on he right and threw it at the light switch, effectively turning of the lights. He then slithered the blanket over them as they slowly drifted of into an evergreen sleep..... Unaware of the watching pair of eyes.....



Ok. There you all go! I want to thank you again for the kind patience you have all had.

I'm sorry to inform you all that there will be no shout outs today. Sorry.

That's all for now!

Stay safe. Dream big!


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