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First of all. Thank you so much to KenzieRunningFree and BoboiboyFrostfire for joining the movement. I want to thank you all.

Anyways. Enjoy.....


[Hiccup's POV]

I lay in bed thinking about what had happened with Astrid. She found out. My secret. I thought. It had been a long day. Tomorrow will be February 29, my birthday. Back in BATO my father never allowed me to celebrate my birthday. He would always say that my birthday was a waste of everyone's day and effort. I think that Astrid knows about my birthday but she never bothered. Whenever I am around her I feel different. I don't know why I do not get reminded about my pain when I see her. I decided to push these thoughts away and rest....


[Astrid's POV]

I woke up feeling fresh. I got up and walked into the bathroom. It was very modern. It was soundproof  and contained speakers and a 49 inch flat-screen TV on the other side of the bath. The bath had a soft waterproof headrest. There were several buttons on the bath. One made the bath bubbly while another heated it. One scented the water and one allowed you to control the TV with your hand movements. I stripped myself and got in.  slowly drifted into my thoughts about last night. It must have been at least half an hour because I could feel myself getting wrinkles. I got up and dried myself. I walked to my wardrobe and put my usual blue top on with my skirt as I left the room and walked down the steps. I looked at other people walk towards the canteen as well. They must be training to become part of Dagur's army. I took a left and entered the canteen. It wasn't that crowded. I spotted the gang and Toothless, Mala, Dagur and Heather sitting at a table. Hayden wasn't there.

"Hey guys." I greeted as I sat down next to them.

"Hey Ast, how you doin'" Ruff asked.

"Good. Hey, where is Hiccup?" Then I heard footsteps and saw a man walking into the canteen. He was topless and wore black sunglasses and leather pants. He whipped his hands backwards and put his leather jacket on. Everyone was silent.

"What, you all never seen leather before." The man exclaimed. Then I knew who it was. Hayden.

"Brother!" Dagur said as he stood up. He walked towards us and sat next to me.

"So. What's the occasion?" Heather asked. He gave a light chuckle.

"It's February 29th!" He said. Then it hit me.

"Wait, it's your birthday isn't it?" I asked. He was shocked.

"Y-Yeah. It reminds me of the pain and abuse I suffered." He said as he started to eat. We all remembered the bullying we did to him.

"Well my dad was right about one thing, your birthday is a waste of time!" Snotlout exclaimed. In the blink of an eye he was pinned to the floor with a gun to his head. Then a pungent smell filled the air.

"Geez Snot! Give us a warning next time you poop your pants!" Ruff said as she covered her nose because of the smell.

"You'll do well!" Hiccup said as he lifted him by the shirt and dragged him out the canteen. Dagur and Heather rushed to him. Hushed voices were heard. They walked back with smug faces.

"So what is he gonna do with him?" Fishlegs asked them.

"Oh," Heather began as they sat down. They ushered us to come closer, "He's going to call BATO with his untraceable number and ask for 10 million for Stoick. He's using Snotface for 2 reasons. 1 to get a better chance of the berkian to pay and 2 because his reaction is priceless. From hearing this I wasn't too stresses as BATO has around 50 million dollars.

"Can we watch it?" Ruffnut asked. Dagur and Heather looked at each other. As they were about to speak a voice was heard above us.

"It would be a pleasure." The man said. I realized who it was.

"How did you get up there without us noticing us Hayden?" Fishlegs asked. Hayden didn't seem fazed as he slowly sipped on some soup.

"There are things I have or am doing that you do not know about." He left us in silence. We had all finished our food. He got down and started to walk away. He stopped and looked at us,

"You coming to see it or what?"


[Gobber's POV]

It had been a few days since Stoick and Berks force had been missing. If Fishlegs was here then we could have had a better chance of finding them as he was the best here in BATO at computers and those things. Since he was also missing with Astrid, The twins and Snotlout, the chances were scarce to finding them. I walked from the back room to the place where Hayden would work. His workmanship was incredible. He would have grown up to be such a bright lad but after the whole incident with Astrid, he spilled. I remember the days when he would come to at night with bruises all over him. After around 2 months of pestering, he told me about Stoick's abuse over him. He begged me to keep it a secret and to not talk to his father about it and worse, the entire BATO was abusing him by calling him a hiccup and mentally scarring him. I wish he were still here. Suddenly, I was called to go to the meeting room where normally, Stoick and the heads of the many important sections of BATO like computers and security would be. I rushed up the stairs and entered the room. All the people were there except Stoick. Spitelout was there. He's Stoick's brother and Hayden's uncle. They were all looking at the big screen at the front of the room. I watched as a call was there. Bucket, our head of the technical things, tried to trace the number but it didn't work. He accepted it.  It was a video call. There was a dark room with a masked man looking at the camera. Behind him was a man with his hands tied to the ceiling and chained to the floor. I knew the man all to well.

"Stoick!" I yelled. The masked man started to laugh.

"I knew you would recognize him! My own father!" He said. He slowly removed his mask.

"Hayden?" He had grown since I had last met him.

"Hey Gobber. Thanks for being the only person in BATO for treating me like a human." He said.

"What do you want with Stoick!" Spitelout roared.

"I want 10 million for Stoick, BATO's force and the rest who want to go back." He wore a very serious face. The entire room burst out laughing.

"Fine. Just know what I am about to do is your fault." He stood up and walked over to Stoick......


Ok! Sorry for the long wait. School has been a pain. I want to thank melshicctooth for all the votes on The Shadow Raider. I also want to thank everyone who is reading my books. We are so close to 2K on The Shadow Raider! 

Thank you all so much!


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