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Wassup dawgs!!!!!!!!! This is ya boi Roosh back again with another chapter!

I'm thinking on giving shout outs today but for now, I present to you.....

The Raid Part 2


[Toothless' POV]

What I saw broke my heart. On a bed next to the dead bodies was a girl. She was about my age and was huddled in the corner with her knees tucked in. There was blood all over her thighs. She started to cry and rock herself back and forth. I took one step forward when she spoke.

"P-Please don't hurt me." She started to cry more.

"Hayden," I said turning to him, "You go and get the Red Death. I'll stay here." He nodded and ushered me to be safe as he along with the gang and Astrid, walked through the hallway. I looked back at the girl, she was still crying.

"Hey, it's ok." I said. She she became a bit more upset as she shuffled into a corner. Then I suddenly remembered something.

"Dagur, pass one of your chocolate milkshakes." He put his bag down and looked in it for a few seconds then pulled out one. I grabbed it and put the straw in as I slowly moved forward to her. She immediately stopped and stared at me, her eyes filled with fear. I gave a reassuring smile as I stretched out my hand.

"Here, drink this." She hesitantly took it and put her lips around the straw and started to drink it. I then walked back to Heather and Dagur.

"Ok, Heather, you try to get close to her." Heather agreed as she slowly walked over to the girl. 

"Hey, what's your name?" She allowed heather to sit next to her.

"L-Luna, w-what's y-yours?" She said. I and Dagur came into view.

"I'm Heather and this is my brother Dagur. "She pointed to Dagur.

[Luna's POV]

They told me their names. I still felt a bit scared. The horrible things those mean men did still fresh in my mind. Then I looked at this new man. He was tall and attractive with black hair. He had not told be his name.

"What is your name?" I asked. He looked at me with a smile.

"Ok you're gonna laugh at my name," I was confused, "My name is Toothless Terrible Talon Furysen," I couldn't help but burst out in laughter as I drank the thing called a milkshake. Perhaps this could be good I thought.

[Toothless' POV]

Dagur got up and checked the hallway.

"Ok coast's clear. Let's get back to the subs so we can meet up with Hayden." We agreed as we got up. I looked at Luna who had gone back into that state of insecurity. I gave out my hand.

"Hey, come on, let's go." She slowly gave me her hand. The moment her hand touched mine I felt a jolt go in. She slowly got up as we went back to the sub.....

o((>ω< ))o

As we went back I saw Hayden and the others.

"Let's get out of here." Suddenly a bullet hit my side as  I fell into the Fury

"Toothless! I heard Hayden yell as he jumped inside as well. I saw Astrid and Luna also come in as the hatch closed. Banging was heard. I touched my side, I could  feel blood.

"Just stay with me!" Hayden said grabbing a first aid kit. I could feel my consciousness slowly drift away.

"Please don't leave!" Luna broke out sobbing. I instantly grabbed whatever consciousness I had left. I cupped her cheek.

"Don't worry, I won't leave that easily." She rested her head on my chest as I succumbed to her. Astrid put a soft pillow under my head. 

"This might hurt a bit....." Hayden said pulling out a knife and heating it up with Inferno. He grabbed some water and cleaned my wound and then pressed the knife into the bullet hole. It stung but it was something that I had done before. After 20 seconds the sound of the bullet hitting the floor gave me a sense of relief. Hayden had bandaged me up and I was ok for walking. Then I looked at the girl who we had saved. As she snuggled closer to me I then realised she didn't have any clothes. I nudged her a bit as she immediately got up. I slowly took of my shirt and handed it to her.

"But this is yours why are y-" I put a finger to her lips and looked at her.

"Just put it on." She nodded her head and put the shirt on as I went back into by bedridden state. Luna snuggled closer to me as I stroked her head. Suddenly the entire plane shook as we came back in for landing. 

The back door opened to reveal Dagur along with the rest of them standing there.

"Toothless are you alright?" Heather asked. I told her about the bullet wound. I got up and saw Luna in deep sleep. I didn't want to wake her so I picker her up bridal style and got in the elevator. 

"You take her up first then send the elevator back down." I nodded going inside. Once at the top I sent the elevator back down and  took her into my room and lay her on my bed. I decided to sleep on the couch that night.....


[Unknown POV]

"Sir, they've raided the Skullcrusher and taken the Red Death!" A boy said walking into my office. I got up and poured myself a glass of alcohol and peered out of my huge window in my office, looked down on the city of Berk. I looked back at the young boy in my office. He reminded me of  my nuisance son. He was so stupid that he brought my best agents  into his trust circle and allowed them to manipulate him. My escape though was never possible without my brother's son Snotlout. Then the words of my wife flew through my head.

"You never had the courage to admit that you never wanted Hayden! You know what, keep Hayden and learn to love him like you love me. If you can do that then I'll come back!" That night still gives me nightmares. The boy walked away leaving me to myself. Should I have been that cruel to him? I thought. Suddenly a voice was heard behind me. I turned to see myself. 

"You should have killed him along with that stupid girl you called your daughter." It said. I sighed.

"You know what! You're just my alter ego, even if I did change the way I look at him then there is no way I can undo the damage." My alter ego stood there in silence.

"Well, that son you care about soooooo much still fell for the oldest trick in the book," It said pointing at the case on my desk. Inside was........... The Red death.....


I think you all know who is the unknown person here! Muhhahahahaha. This was so much fun writing!

I'll give shout outs in the next one! I am so happy that this came out so well

Stay safe! Dream big!


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