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Heloo everyone! Yes I did spell hello as heloo because I did so.

Nothing really to say.



[Astrid's POV]

He raised a fist and he started to punch Stoick. I could hear a few of his ribs break as he continued to punch. Then Stoick did something that we thought was impossible. He begged Hayden to stop. He never said that to anyone. He was always tough and when he was tortured from time to time, he would keep a straight face and remain calm. Blood started to slowly drip from his mouth.

"Hayden why are you doing this!" I heard from the computer. he turned to it and removed his t-shirt. Instead of tattoos there were scars and a lot if them. There were burn marks as well.

"You see, Stoick here as a secret," He turned to Stoick, DO you want to tell them or should I?" There was a brief pause.

"Ok, I'll tell them." he turned towards the Laptop, "This man has abused me from the age of 13 to 18. I remember the first time he out one of his cigars out on me. I remember the pain you all made me suffer! So I will put it all on tis man." He gave Stoick another punch.

"You all know you can make this stop if you make the transaction." He taunted. There was silence from me and the gang. After a bit more he stopped. He walked over to a bowl of ice and rested his knuckles on it. a short sizzle came from it. He moved to a lever and pulled it. Another light shinned showing a tear-stained Snotlout.

"Now, I see you still wont do it so my revenge shall go to my nightmares!" He turned to Snotlout. He looked really nervous. Hayden curled his fist and hit him right in the abdomen. Wait, this wasn't what I thought. I thought that he would just embarrass him! Not beat him!

"Hayden that's enough!" I said. He immediately stopped and looked at me. he moved to the laptop and turned it so that BATO could see the gang and I.

"Tell me Astrid, why do you care for him?" He asked. I would about to speak when he interrupted me.

"Oh yeah that's right! Your ego and popularity is more important than others! I remember that day when you accidently pulled this trigger! Admit it! You didn't defend me that day and then I saw it! Your true colors! You knew that if you admitted it you would loose popularity!" He pulled out the gun and tossed it to me.

"I am giving you a choice. Shoot me and everyone goes free or go back to BATO as branded traitors." He gave a small chuckle. He moved the laptop so that all the people on the other side could see both of us. Tears started to swell my eyes. I have to shoot him. He gave a small chuckle as he raised his hands. I pulled the trigger. Everyone was in silence.

"You did it. You chose popularity over my life!" He clutched his chest, "How could you?"  I burst into tears.

"I-I-I love you Hayden." The gang looked at me. I watched as he hit the floor. I closed my eyes. I heard no thud. I saw his body hit the floor but the moment it did, it turned into pixels and drifted away. I heard a click behind me. I turned to see Hayden with a gun to my head.

"You see. What you saw is what I feel all the time. I felt dead. All the abuse I suffered caused me to be this way." He aimed his gun at Stoick and shot. Stoick turned into pixels as well. He then shot Snotlout and he also turned into pixels.

"H-How?" I asked

"Holograms. I made them. The real Stoick and Snotlout are in the cells." He came closer to me ear and whispered.

"I love you too." He pointed his gun at the laptop and shot it. The call stopped. He turned around and tripped over himself and fell to the floor. He turned into pixels. A voice was heard behind us. We turned to see another Hayden.

"This is about to get confusing." He got shot. I turned to see that he was shot by another Hayden. That one was also shot by another. This kept on going for a bit. Then one  jumped down from the ceiling.

"Let me guess. You're another hologram." No reply. Then he pulled me in for a kiss. I felt his hand cup my cheek. I ran my hand through his hair. he parted from me.

"Did that answer your question?" He gave a warm smile as he walked.


Sorry if this chapter is a bit short. I would like to shout out bethanyfx for adding this book to their list.

Sorry for making this a bit short.

Be safe all of you


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