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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for not updating! School's been a pain!

Anyways I'm back again!



[Astrid's POV]

I woke up in my bed and lay there for a while as I let the events of yesterday sink in. I wonder how Hiccup is?  I decided that I would go check on him after my usual morning routine. I got up and hopped into the bathroom. I lathered my toothbrush with a bit of paste and brushed for 2 minutes. After that I decided to take a shower. I got in and allowed the warm water to run down my body. I wonder how on Earth they get hot water?  After I finished, I went back into my bedroom  and got some cloths. I put on a blue top and some black pants as I opened the door and went to the mess hall for breakfast. 

Once I got there I noticed that the gang was there but someone else was also there. As I slowly approached the table with a tray with some food and sat down I was shocked. 

"Hey babe! Missed me?" Snotlout said. I took a seat in-between Heather and Ruff.

"How did you get out!?" I asked. His mouth twisted into a smirk.

"Oh useless let me out. You should have seen him! Blabbering in 100's of different languages! It was hilarious!" I looked at Heather and Dagur who were looking at Mala and Toothless. They all wore worried expressions. 

"Ok spill!" I said. Toothless took a deep breathe. 

"Well there is one thing you need to know about Hiccup. Whenever he tries to thinking about something related to his abuse he tends to start to say things in multi-language. What's so disturbing is that his father forced him to learn all of those languages so that he would stop being a failure. When he would be defiant or struggling his father would bring out a belt and whip him with it until he learnt. It was horrible!" An awkward silence arose around us. The only sounds we could hear were or breath and the other people talking. Ruff broke the silence.

"That man should pay! How could he do that to him! And on top of that the whole of BATO ridiculed him! Damn! We're monsters!" The whole gang nodded in agreement. 

"Where do you think he is now? I need to see if he's ok." I asked. At the same time. Toothless, Mala, Dagur and Heather all said,

"Gun range!" I got up and walked out of the cafeteria when I got a call. I looked at the caller id and immediately answered it. A woman's voice was on the other side.

"Hey Stella!" I said. Stella was an old friend of mine.

"You know that I don't like the name Stella. Please next time call me Stormfly." She answered. I could hear a child playing with some toys in the background.

"Do you want to talk to her?" She asked. I said yes as she handed the phone to her.

"MOMMY!" She squealed. A nice warmth filled my heart.

"Hey baby. I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you sooner."

"Mommy when will wu come back homme?"

"I don't know baby but I promise you when I come back I'll bring you something ok?" I heard her squeal again.


"I will baby. Mommy is working right now ok? I'm not sure when I'll come back."

"Ok mommy."

"Good girl." I could hear Stormfly take the phone

"She's been ok. Misses you a lot." She said. I felt a tinge of guilt.

"I know. I need to tell you something." 

"What is it Astrid?"

"I think I'm in love!" I could hear her on the other end squeal like a girl.


"His name is Hayden. Remember that boy who went missing? It's him."

"I'm really happy for you Astrid. Stay safe ok?" I replied and she ended the call. I put my phone back in my pocket as I walked to the gun range. My mind started to race back to my daughter and how 'he' had left me pregnant....


It had been almost a month since Hiccup left. In that time I decided to date a new person who had joined. His name was Jack Frost. I remember how we first met. I accidently bumbed into him and dropped some things. He helped me with them and it felt like love at first sight. Or so I thought. We dated for a month and things were going well for us until I made the mistake and got to drunk and accidently joined him in bed. I remember walking out of the toilet with the pregnancy test in my hand. It displayed 2 bars. I knew my parents would be mad so I decided to call Jack and see if I could stay with him because my parents would be fine with it. I dialed his number and he picked up.

"Hey beautiful!" He said.

"Listen Jack I  need to tell you something ok?" I asked.


"Ok listen. I'm pregnant with your child!" There was silence on the other side. Then his laughter. I felt very confused. 

"Hahahahahah. Well. I don't wanna be responsible for a child at this age. You think I'm dumb! Bye bye! I quit BATO a few days ago which was nice so now I never need to see your ugly face again!" He hung up. I curled myself into a ball and cried. My parents came into the room and asked me what was wrong., I showed them the pregnancy test and readied myself for the shame but it never came. The consoled me and I told them everything. They new that I wanted it to keep it a secret my parents told BATO that I had a rare disease that was very infectious and I need to stay away from BATO for a while. They all seemed to by it and for nine months I stayed with Stella. Then Maddie came into my life. I love her with all my heart. Then came the problem of going back to BATO. After asking my parents and Stella I decided to first spend 1 year with Maddie and then go back to BATO and every time I would finish I would go see Maddie. 


That's how its been for years. Whenever I go on missions I would go and contact Stella to see if she and Maddie were doing. Maddie was my biggest secret. I cant trust anyone, even Hiccup. If I were to tell him and he would leave me then I would never trust anyone. If anyone found out and leaked it then I might become an outcast. This is my secret and I'll KILL so that it remains a secret.


There you all go! I know that this is probably not what you all expected but I needed some time to think and I realized that the action would out-weigh the Hiccstrid so this will boost it! I now would like to give some shout outs! Now some of these shout outs are not related to my books. I just want to give these shout outs because I commented on other books and people replied to it!

Anyways Shout outs! Shout outs to:- Killerwolf2020WonderLandDrawsLoveBug0011Pepsi-Writes Kawaiiaoi503Sergeant Hiccup HaddockMysterieuxVillain21ELV670Hiccstridfan172 unknownfangirl11floppylamb12

Me and Sergeant Hiccup Haddock are having a creative battle. If you want to see it then pls go to Run Away and Back Again (HTTYD) by  LaraeTheBig. It's a great book and if you go to the comments to the chapter called 'Escape' and go to the comment and click replies then you should see it!

Anyways that's all for now!


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