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Hello everyone! I am so sorry for the long wait.

Exams so I need to study. They end on Friday



[Astrid's POV]

We had landed. Stoick and the soldiers were escorted in handcuffs. once we got off of our helicopter, ours were removed.

"I trust you." Hiccup said. We watched the moving people. Then we looked at the base. It was a big building . I could see more buildings behind it. The walls surrounding it contained machine gunners, anti-aircraft missiles, sniper towers in the corner and lots of men with weapons. At the top of the building was an image of a dragon. It was white and had enormous tusks. It's eyes were blue and it looked very noble.

"Welcome to Bewilderbeast!" Dagur welcomed. We all looked in awe. It must have been as big as 2 football pitches. A very cold breeze swept the area.

"Oh, almost forgot. We're on a mountain!" Hiccup yelled as the strong breeze entered. We all rushed through the gate that the walls guarded. As my eyes slowly opened, the view was beautiful. There were flowers and a beautiful lake that was frozen over. A few people were ice skating on it with their winter gear on. There was a crooked tree. Someone was sitting on it reading a book and munching on an apple. The cold slowly departed as we entered the building.

"Ah. Master Dagur and Heather and Oh! Master Hayden. Happy to see you!" A man said.

"Glad to be here to Johann." Hayden greeted back.

"And who are these?" He asked us.

"Astrid and the gang, this is Johann. He is a trader and manages our supplies." Hiccup acquainted. We all shook hands with him.

"I am assuming they are your tormentors from your previous life Master Hayden?" Johann said. I felt guilt starting to grow in me.

"Um... Sort of." He replied. We started to walk towards a hall. A very delicious smell filled the air as we entered. People were sitting there eating very delicious pizza.

"Please line up behind all those people with a tray to get your food." Hiccup said putting on his mask. We walked into the hall. Everyone stopped talking and looked at us.

"Oi! Who are you!" A boy yelled at us. Hiccup immediately lunged at him with a knife to their throat.

"Manners Thuggory!" He snarled. The boy trembled.

"S-Sorry Master Fury." He said. Hiccup let go of the boy as he sat down back in his seat. He was completely shaken by fear. We got the pizza. The gang and I along with Dagur and Heather sat a table. Hiccup took the food and started to walk away.

"Hey Dagur, what's up with Hiccup?" I asked.

"Well, he is like 2 different people. he has a disorder that I cannot name. When he is reminded of the abuse and pain of his old life he is a different man but when he isn't it's like all of it catches up to him and changes him." Dagur explained.

"Wait, what abuse?" I asked. He sighed.

"Well, he did say it was ok to tell you lot about it just not the disorder," He said. My curiosity was peaked, "Well. I don't know if he mentioned it but his father used to beat him, used to put his cigars out on him, kicked him, punched him and blamed him for the reason his mother left him. If you add that up with the bullying then it leads to bad things. He told me that he was forced into depression like a really deep one as well. He even used to have suicidal thoughts and tried it only to back down at the last minute because he knew that some person called Gobber still cared." Dagur finished leaving us all in shock. So that was what he went through. We are so horrible. Stoick abused him! What kind of a person is he!  These thoughts flew around my head as we finished our pizza. I got up and decided to go find Hayden. The gang went with Johann to where we were sleeping. I thought for a second about where he would go. Ok Astrid think! He loved to draw and guns or maybe he's just sleeping. Wait. the roof? the view might be nice so he could draw!  I dashed to the stairs as I went to the top floor. There was a sign that said roof. I climbed up. After I climbed up I ended up near a sort of hallway with no doors. I stepped onto the floor to see a drawing. It was beautiful., It was me! Then there was something red. It was blood. Not just any bodies but Hiccup's. I dashed out to see Hiccup standing there facing the view. He had a knife in his hands. He lifted it and ran it across his palm. Tears were freely flowing down his face as he picked up a bottle of vodka. He drank the whole thing.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS STUPID DISORDER CANT LET ME BE DRUNK. I WANT TO FORGET MY PAIN. ALL I CAN DO IS CUT. NOTHING!" He yelled as he smashed the bottle to the ground. He grabbed some bandages and wrapped his palms.

"Astrid I know you're there." I was shocked. I slowly came closer to him. He went and sat down at the edge of the building. I went and sat next to him. We were silent as we looked at the sky.

"So I'm guessing Dagur told you about my father's abuse." He said. I nodded my head.

"So I'm also guessing you want to know my disorder." 

"Um.. Maybe."

"Fine, I-I," He took a deep breath in, "I have PTSD. Anything that reminds me of my old pain and abuse causes my PTSD." I was shocked. The amount of abuse he went through has caused him to have PTSD!  My thoughts were interrupted.

"You knew this was the first time in a while I cut. When I look at the reflection of this knife, I see the years of pain and abuse I went through. All I want is to finally leave this Nightmare."


Well that was all. If you do suffer from depression or Suicidal thoughts then please talk to someone or get some help. I know that it will help. If you don't want to talk to someone then I'm available. 

Be save. 


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