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Well well well..... Thank you everyone for all the support! School has started and the updates might be a bit slow. If you follow me then you would already know this (Insert a follow me queue). 

I wanna give a massive shoutout right now! Their identity will be anonymous as internet privacy. Their username is Meowkitty_24. Thank you for following me and all the support!

Nothing much else to say right now so let's get started!

Chapter 31

The night's silence had anchored itself in Berk. Not a car stirred and the streets were silent. Inside the homes the lights had gone out and everyone was settling in for bed. The secret prison at the edge of Berk ,on the other hand, was wide awake. The guards had just changed shifts and the lights had just gone out in the cell hallway. 
"Move faster!" Snotlout whispered to Hiccup as they crawled through the vent. Toothless, and Dagur was also with them. When they finally managed to get to the end of the vent pulled out the vent grid and one-by-one descended into the silent hallway. Snotlout landed with a loud thud as Hiccup and Toothless crept into through the hallway and to a door with a sign 'SECURITY ROOM'. Hiccup looked at the door.

"That's odd," He said as Toothless, Dagur and Snotlout, who had managed to catch up, as they looked at him, "All the other doors have state-of-the-art key card doors while this one has a normal key lock. I knew it would come in handy." Hiccup swept his hand in his hair and pulled it back out, revealing a hair clip. He twisted it and started to pick the lock.

"It's not made of metal so it's virtually undetectable by metal detectors and it's camouflaged in my hair." The door made a click as it soundlessly opened. They  swept into the room. Inside was a bin mainly filled with coffee cups. There was a set of screen which were on power-saving mode along with a control panel. On the side was a desk with a big bulletin board that covered almost the whole wall. There was a schedule for the guards shifts which wasn't necessary as Hiccup had memorised the shifts. There were a couple of reminders pinned up as well for lock ups and shut downs. Hiccup had managed to pick the lock to a filing cabinet as well. He shuffled through the files. There were many. There was one set that caught his eyes. They had pictures of Him, Toothless, Heather, Dagur, Astrid, Stella, Fishlegs, Snotlout and the twins. he started to go through them to see if anything interesting would come out.....

( •̀ ω •́ )✧

"How long do we have to wait for Hayden mommy?" Maddie asked as Astrid paced around the room.

"I'm not sure sweetie, they said that they would check out the guard's room for anything useful and then be back before the 4am guards come in. What's the time now?" Astrid explained as Stella made her way to the window that revealed the hallway. She peered through the darkness and made out the familiar hands of the clock.

"It's 3:30, they have another half an hour to get back," Stella put her hand on Astrid's shoulder, "They'll be fine!"

"I hope Toothless is ok." Luna said sitting on the bed.

"As I said, they'll be fine." Stella said as the room was filled with silence once more.

"You know what's unfair, why we didn't get to go!" Tuffnut complained.

"I know right! How come we have to stay here and babysit your daughter that we didn't know you had while they get to go an snoop around!" Ruffnut added.

"Well, Hayden did have a point! You two are complete mutton-heads and you'll probably get everyone caught!" Heather said, who was was looking out of the window into the marsh outside.

"Well, all we can do is wait for them to return." Astrid said as she picked up Maddie and tucked her into bed, "We just have to wait.....

(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

The door's to the sector where the gang was being held opened to reveal the guards of the 4am shift. They went to their assigned posts. A group of the guards made their way to the security room, which was locked as always. They opened it and took the screens out of power-saving mode. one of them came and placed a couple of coffees in the table. They had to now wait for another 2 hours when they would get the prisoners up for breakfast. Nothing was out of place at all. It was procedure for them to check the whole room to see if anything was out of place.  As always, nothing had changed. They sat down with a couple of coffees to begin the day. They had to keep going until 10 am for the next guards. Now all they had to was wait for the day to start.

(6 am)

Hayden had already woken up at 4:30, the rest of the gang had woke up at 5. Surprisingly the twin had also managed to do this which was a surprise to them all. Like clock-work, the guards came in, put blindfolds on them lead them down the corridors and into the cafeteria. As they had sat down, Hayden's mind was somewhere else. Astrid, who was trying to feed Maddie the oats serial, had noticed it. When she managed to get Maddie to eat it, she looked over to Hayden.

"You alright?" She asked giving him a playful nudge. He sat there unfazed. He then finally looked up.

"Guys, there's something you should know....." Hayden said as everyone looked at him, "Well, I found some stuff from last night's test run and I've found out something....."


"There's no way out of this place.....


Well, I am so sorry for the delay, my life is getting very busy. I've made a plan that every Wednesday I'll try to get a chapter out. So weekly updates.

Nothing much has been going on..... I wanna thank everyone for the love and support!


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