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The Man Whom They Call Fury

Pairing: Hiccstrid, ToothlessxLuna

Rated: K+

Disclaimer: This story has too much Hiccstrid and may cause explosion or death due to to much Hiccstrid so read at your own risk.... Lol

Authors Note: Hello everyone! I am back with another chapter and first of all, thank you all for all the support! it means so much to me! Second of all we've made it to chapter 30! I cannot believe we've made it this far! I also wanna say that I can assure you that this story will be done before we hit chapter 50! I also wanna give some shoutouts! Shout outs to JuanMoya409 and I wanna say a very big thank you to Blue-Dragon-7 for the funny comments, they made me laugh!

Anyways let's get on with the story!

Chapter 30

The moon shone high above the people resting in Berk. The kids had all been tucked in and the adults were all sleeping. Somewhere at the outskirts of Berk, in the swamps that acted as the border to Berk and the Berserker City, was a fully operating prison. It wasn't like Berk Central Prison, this place only housed 12 people. One of them was only 8 and her name was Maddie. During the past 10 days or so of her being reunited with her mother, the silence that creeped through the whole building while her mother and a man called Hayden slept, terrified her to death. That's why, like all the other night, she slept bundled in Astrid's ,her mother, arms. It was the only way she new to feel safe and was also Astrid's was to make sure that no-one could take her away at night. During the past 10 days she had managed to patch up everything with her friends and managed to work things out with Hayden, who was holding her from behind as they all slept. Astrid found the silence comfortable as she new that no-one was there except Hayden and her daughter. She new deep down, like a mother's instinct, that even though she was safe they all would still need to get out. If it even was possible. Even they did manage to get out, Stoick had the Red Death ( If you don't know what this is then please refer back to 'Mission Impossible(The chapter)') that would hunt them down. Was it even possible to survive?


The sun slowly kissed the horizon of Berk, signifying a new day for the Berkians. In a couple of hours parents would wake up and get their kids ready for school as others would head to work but on the misty edges of Berk City, 12 would have to endure another painful day. The first to wake up was Maddie. She gave a soft yawn as she looked over at her mother, who was holding her the whole night. She also noticed the man who was also staying in that cell hugging her mother from behind. She took no notice and hopped out of bed. Normally she would brush her teeth and get dressed for school or head into the living room to watch T.V in the weekends but here all she could do was look out of the small window and watch the sunrise. Suddenly, she heard something behind her, she turned to see her mother, Astrid, sit up and yawn followed by the other man slowly getting up as well. Maddie turned to watch the sunrise.
"Wake up Hiccup." Astrid said as Hiccup sat up next to Astrid, running his hand through his hair.

"So still with the super early wake up huh." Hayden said between yawns as Astrid Giggled a bit. They got up and helped went to the bathroom as did Maddie, finishing up just in time as the routinely visit of the guards, who put blindfolds on all of them as they made their way to the cafeteria. They were met with the rest of the gang as they sat down to eat.

"Come one sweetie, eat the food." Astrid requested as Maddie took a small bite out of the food. Toothless was oddly silent the whole time.

"Hey bud you alright?" Hayden asked as Toothless looked up at him.

"I think I've found a way out of the prison....." Toothless said as everyone stopped eating.


"Yes! There's a sort of vent in our cell that's big enough for a person to crawl through. Last night I went through it and it leads to a room which is connected to the corridor. From there I'm not sure though.

"That's great bud! We've gotta find a way to get into your room so that we can use that vent but how?" Hayden finished as the time for breakfast was over.

Back inside the cell, Astrid and Hayden started thinking. 

"I can't believe there's a way out!" Astrid exclaimed looking around the room. Hayden just smiled as he sat down on the bed and started thinking. "Maybe there's a ventilation system that connects all the cells?"

"Why are we thinking about vents mummy?" Maddie asked.

"Why are you asking sweetie?"

"Well, if Uncle Toothless and Aunty Luna can get into the corridor they can get into the room where all of the T.Vs are and open the door for us?" Hayden just stood there in shock.

"Your a genius!" He said planting a small kiss on Maddie's forehead, "If Toothless can get into the control room, he can unlock all the doors! These doors are all controlled by that room so if he can open the door, we can get out!" 

"But we don't know the layout for this prison. We'll have to look sneak around at night I guess and keep a couple of lookouts back here to  keep an eye out for any guards coming to the cells."

"That's a good idea but we need don't even know whether we can get into the control room." They both starting thinking. Maybe it was possible to escape after all!


Well there you all go! I wanna thank everyone for the love on the last chapter! I also wanna thank everyone for 8K reads on this book and 17.6K READS OMG! Thank you so much!


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