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Hey everyone! This is the next chapter. 

No hate.



 We were escorted into the building. it was almost like a maze. Then, after a great deal of walking, we were put into a room. We all were made to sit on chairs and ten we were chained there. I could here glass in front of me. Then I saw a man. He was shirtless and didn't wear any mask. He was pouring himself a glass of vodka. His back was turned to us. I could make out some tattoos on his back. I could see a dragon whose wings extended to the tips of his shoulders and its tail running down his back. Extended on it's wings were written You're not my son And on the left side of it's tail was written demon while on the other was monster.

"I see you've finally made it Atali." He said. Then it hit me. That was Night Fury! I looked at the gang who all were sharing shocked expressions. This was Night Fury without a mask and without a shirt I thought.

"Yes Master Fury. Sorry the wait was long." She said.

"No problems." He said. Atali left the room closing the door behind us. Night Fury took a sip of his drink.

"So. By the looks of things most of you are single." He said. That shocked us all.

"I'm not." I said. I remembered Eret. My boyfriend. We've been on 10 dates. I have them skepticism of him cheating on my but I pushed that thought away as I looked forward. The room had a very dark spot in the middle.

"What's his name?" He asked me. I was reluctant for a few seconds but then I told him that it was Eret. Then he said and did something that shocked me.

"Ahhhhhh. Eret. Rings a bell. Oh.. Now I know. He was the person who hired me!" He explained. Wait. Eret did this to me! I thought. He then flicked a switch and infront of us, a video started to play. I saw Night Fury standing there while Eret along with five bodyguards. I listened to the whole conversation in shock. Then He stopped the video. I could see there was around 10 seconds left of it. He continued playing it and that was when my heart fell into my mouth. Hayden was Night Fury! The video stopped and the lights went back on. He was still standing with his back against us.

"H-Hayden?" I asked. He took another sip from the glass.

"Yeah, what happened? Didn't think that Hiccup the Useless was still around!" He asked.

"Well your still useless!" Snotlout said with his ego. I wished in that moment I could kick him so badly. Then I saw that Hayden had crushed the glass that he was drinking from in rage. He turned around. His chest had now a six pack . He flicked another switch and another light switched on. The black spot in the middle was filled with light and I saw him. Eret. He was chained up to a chair with a gag on. Hayden yanked his head back and pulled out a gun and placed it under his chin.

"Tell me Astrid, after what this man has done, should he die?" He asked me.

"After he betrayed you and faked loving you only for money, does he deserve to live?" He asked. His eyes were full of hate and despair. I looked at the others. He must have seen this.

"Ohh. I understand you would all like to have some time to discuss so." He said pulling the gag out of Eret's mouth. He slowly walked out of the room.

"OMG The Night Fury is Hiccup!" I heard Ruff squeal. We were all dumbfounded. I then turned to Eret.

"I can't believe you!" I yelled at him. He sighed. We all started to discuss the recent events that had just happened.

"Ok. Now to whether Eret lives or die." Ruff said. We all looked at Eret. He had a guilty look on his face. Small red lights were flickering by his chair. I looked down to see a lot of explosives.

"Um.. Guys. You might want to look at Eret's chair." They all looked. 

"Wow. That's a lot of explosives. They look like C4's." Tuff said. Back in BATO, Ruff and Tuff were our explosives experts. Fishlegs was the head of security and made our security system from our men to the CCTV to it all. Snotlout was our weapons tester. The new designs Gobber made always had some flaws in them. I remember the weapons Hayden had made. They all never had any flaws. But when we all found out that Hayden had made them, we all disregarded him and  claimed and praised Gobber for making them. Now I look back at it, he must have gone through a lot of things for 8 years.

"I say he dies." Snotlout said, "No one deserves to live after what he has done!" 

"Hey, that doesn't mean he has to die!" Fishlegs replied. Ruff said that he should die while Tuff disagreed. Then a voice was heard above us. It was Hayden doing a graffiti of me!

"So... 2 Say death while 2 say live. Now it's all down to you.' He explained as he finished of the art. It was amazing. I noticed lots of other graffiti on the walls. They were all scenes of his life. I kept on looking at how beautifully he had done it. Then I saw one that shattered my heart. It was the scene from the day when he had ran away. His father was holding him by the collar shouting and hitting him while the rest of BATO were mocking him and I was in the back smiling as I walked away. Hiccup slowly rappelled himself to the floor. He pulled out a detonator and put it in my hands.

"It's up to you Astrid. His fate is now in your control." Then a figure came into a few. It was Tom with a gun! 

"Tom! You came to rescue us!" I said in joy. They both looked at me. An awkward silence filled the air. Then the two men started to laugh hysterically. I felt confused.

"Oh you really thought Tom was a real person! I was never part of BATO. Hiccup was smart enough to get me in the system to make it seem like I was a new person and the file I gave you, Hiccup had managed to get a tracker in the paper clip to see where you all were. I then locked the door from the outside then he did the rest." he explained wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. Suddenly, a red light filled the air. A huge siren joined it. I witnessed Hiccup and this imposter. Hiccup had put his mask on but couldn't get his chestplate on as then doors smashed as the Berkian swat had entered. Me and The others shouted for them. In a few moments I realized we shouldn't have as the moment they appeared it had become a blood bath. Hiccup smashed one of their skulls and shot another in the head. Blood spattered everywhere. The walls were painted in it as it stained the floors. After a few minutes they were all dead. Some were incapacitated while others were still bleeding. Hiccup walked through the bodies, shooting them to make sure they were dead. He took of his mask. he collapsed to his knees. His breathing was heavy. He looked at his hands. None of us had ever seen that many people be killed by one person in on time. He was clearly distressed. He got up and poured himself another drink. We were all silent. Then, another door opened and almost half of Berk's force stormed in. 2 other people went with Hiccup as the mowed them all down. After 5 minutes the blood bath became a blood flood. The other 2 left him. 

"I'm a demon." he kept on saying. louder each time. Then I think the entire Berkian force entered all pointing their guns at him. Then he came into view as he stormed over to Hiccup......

Hiccup's POV

I'm a monster. I killed all of those people. My hands were on my head as I slowly got on my knees. I faced downwards so they couldn't see my face.. Then I heard him.

"Finally, The Night Fury in my grasps." He said. I glimpsed at my prisoners. They all were shocked. I felt a hand on my head as I was faced into the light. His expression was priceless. I gave a weak smile.

"Hey Stoick."


Yes 2 chapters in one day. I needed to catch up from the weekends so yeah.

Thank you all for the follows and the views.

Love y'all


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