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Hello everyone! I'm back again. The coming week is going to be hard as I have a lot of exams. Meh K.



Astrid's POV

"Well Astrid. We meet again." A voice said behind me. I knew that voice anywhere. It was Night Fury's. I slowly turned around. I could see the tip of the gun and then it just turned into a sort of cloud. I felt slowly until I could feel his chest.

"You know I'm not wearing my mask." He said. That shocked me. I slowly felt my way to his face. He remained calm. I touched his face. I cold feel his chiseled jawline and his warm cheeks. Then I felt his lips. It felt soft. I felt his cheeks curve as he smiled. I didn't know what had come over me but I pressed my lips against his. In that moment I felt a burst of sensations. I ran my hands through his hair. In that moment I felt something that I had never felt when I kissed my boyfriend Eret. His parted from mine. I could feel his breath touch my skin.

"I'm sorry Astrid." He said. Wait, why would he say something like that?  I thought. Then I was engulfed in darkness...

Hiccup's POV

I could feel her touch my face. I was wearing the goggles I had created so that I could see in the gas I had been able to make. They had an infared mode incase I couldn't see clearly. Her hands dropped to my lips. I smiled. Then she came forwards, pressing her lips in mine. She's kissing me! She had been hunting me for years and now she was kissing me!   I thought. She parted. I fell back to Earth from Valhalla. I remembered the mission.

"I'm sorry Astrid." I apologized as I hit her head with the bottom of my Deagel. She also fell unconscious. I deactivated the gas and it all sucked itself into the canister. I slowly lifted them up and carried them all into the van. Once they were all in I waited for Toothless and Mala. I could see two silhouettes in the horizon come towards me along with another. As they slowly came into my vision I could see them clearly. It was Toothless and Mala along with Camicazi. 

"Hey, how did it go?" I asked.

"It went ok. Camicazi made the distraction in the front along with her tribe as Mala cut of the generators. I went and gave that file to Astrid with the tracker so you could see where they were!" He remarked....


We were all ready. I climbed onto the roof and pulled out a laptop out of my bag to see the tracker. I also hacked into their CCTV system and watched the whole thing. I pulled an earpiece and placed it in my ear. 

"Ok. All set!" I said. I heard a conformation from the three. I watched as Cami made the distraction at the gate causing all the guards to turn their attention to them. I switched cameras and saw Mala sprint to the generators and put the devise I had given her on it. I got a signal from my laptop that it was ready. I activated the sequence and after 2 minutes the generators were offline. It would take them around 10 minutes to get the back up generators running again. I then saw Toothless entering the building. I managed to get him into the system so that they would think that he worked there. He walked over the Astrid. I could hear him the earpiece.

"Umm...Excuse me. You are Astrid right?" He asked. Since I made these earpieces, I could hear the entire conversation.

"Yes I am. Why do you ask?"

"Well. Chief Stoick asked me to give this to you so." He said handing her the file. The tracker was put inside the paper clip. Now I could see which room They were going to be in so I could get them.

"Hey, I haven't seen you here often. Are you new?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm Tom." He replied. She gave a nod and left to enter the room. I guided Toothless there. Then I played the sound of gunshots so they could get scared. Then Toothless blocked the door from the outside.  I slowly rappelled myself and wrote hello on the window. They all saw it. Now was the moment. I pulled out one of my frost gas devises and threw it through the other window I slowly waited for the right time. I pulled the detonator and it released the gas. I made the gas so that it sticks together and could be easily contained once I deactivated it. I saw the gas cloud them. I put on my goggles and rappelled myself in...


"Yep. It went just according to plan." I said. I opened the back of the van and showed them the unconscious gang. My past tormentors, now all handcuffed and muffled. Toothless and Mala got in the front as I hopped in the back to watch the gang as we sped of to the nest...


Astrid's POV

I head felt light-headed as I gained conscious. I opened my eyes. I could see Snotlout and and the gang all unconscious. Then I saw him. Night Fury was sitting on a seat with a rifle. It looked complicated. There were several attachments. He looked at me. I peered into his eyes, emotionless. Suddenly, the vehicle stopped with a thud. I could hear boots on mud go to the door. A blinding light purged my eyes. I slowly managed too see the outside. We were all taken out of the truck. I looked around to see a bazar. People were bantering with each other. Men and women exchanging items and talk as they went on with their daily life. I looked and saw a woman come towards me.

"Hello," She started, "My name is Atali. Master Fury wants you to feel no harm whatsoever." She finished. We were slowly taken up a hill and then a building appeared on the horizon. We slowly made our way there.

After a few minutes of walking we made it there. Atali put her head inside a device. Then the gates opened to reveal Night Fury.

"Welcome to the Nest!" 


That was all for this chapter. Sorry for the wait. I will try to speed up.


Thank you all.


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