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The Man Whom They Call Fury

Rated K+ for violence and small bit's of romance

Pairing: Hiccstrid, ToothlessxLuna 

[Disclaimer!] I do not own anything related to Hoe To Train Your Dragon. All ownership goes to the creator (not me). All hail Httyd

[Author's note] Hello my fellow readers! How are you all doing! My name is ELITE_Ro0sH (As you all probably know) and here you all go! Chapter 23! We have been through a lot and I want to thank you all for all the support on these chapters! 

Quick shout outs to yodude484 and LCSMA2 for the comments and votes and support altogether!

I just realised that this is going to be the first chapter of the new year! Happy new year y'all!

Warning! This chapter is going to be purely ToothlessxLuna so if you don't wanna know then get lost lol

Anyways let's get to the chapter!

Chapter 23

As the morning sun flooded the room. Luna slowly opened her eyes. She looked at the room that she was in and noticed that she wasn't actually in her bed. She felt an arm over her. She quickly looked behind her to see Toothless fast asleep holding her. How did I get into Toothless' bed?  Luna thought. The memories of the previous night flooded her mind. She got up, evading Toothless, and went into the bathroom.

After some time she was ready for the day. She had remembered from the car trip that there was a small town close to where they were staying. It was a bit of a walk but they could make it there. Suddenly, she heard a thud from the room where Toothless was sleeping. The door opened to see Toothless yawning

"Good morning." He said as Luna went downstairs. Toothless went into the bathroom. Luna sat down on the couch as Toothless appeared from the doorway.

"Can you believe this, this house, this mission, this place!" Toothless exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen to start making breakfast.

"Wait!" Luna said suddenly getting up, Toothless looked at her.

"C-Can I help you m-make breakfast?" Toothless was a bit taken back by the question but gestured for Luna to follow  him into the kitchen. The main idea was waffles, that had prove to be one of Luna's favourite breakfasts (Sorry LCSMA2 lol). They started with the batter but this time put the batter inside a waffle-shaped object and put it in an oven. 

After a couple of minutes the smell of cooking waffles scented the air. Toothless put on his oven mittens and pulled the steaming trays of waffles out of the oven and onto the kitchen counter. Toothless asked Luna to grab a can of whipped cream from the fridge as he placed the waffles on plates. Luna came seconds later with the whip cream. Toothless applied the cream and placed both plates on the kitchen table as they tucked into their breakfast.

"I don't know how you do it but these taste amazing!" Luna exclaimed as they started to finish their meals


The afternoon was quite peaceful in the household that Luna and Toothless shared. Luna was in the garden admiring the flaura while Toothless sat in the silent house reading 'Jurassic Park', his favourite book. Suddenly Luna came into the house.

"T-Toothless I don't feel good!" Luna rushed up the stairs and into the bathroom. Toothless quickly followed. Luna fled into the bathroom and fell to her knees as she started to vomit into the toilet. Toothless pulled her hair out of the way and rubbed her back soothingly. 

"There, there, let it all out." After around 5 minutes Luna was done.

"Toothless, I don't feel good." Luna said slowly getting up.

"Let's get you to bed, You'll feel better." Toothless tried to help Luna up but she collapsed into his arms.

"It hurts." Luna said. Suddenly Toothless had an idea.

"Luna do you trust me?"

"Yes!" Toothless put his right hand by her legs and lifted Luna up bridal style. This earnt a little gasp from Luna as Toothless slowly got out of the bathroom. Luna blushed all the way to the bedroom.

Toothless gently rested the girl in his hands onto the bed where he proceeded to put a blanket on her. 

"Go to sleep, it helps for the headache. I'm not sure whether you have flu or maybe stomach-ache." Luna snuggled into the soft bed.

"C-Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Toothless sat down at the side of the bed as Luna started to fall asleep. Suddenly Luna started t talk in her sleep.

"Toothless, I-I have a crush on you..... I've had one since the month after you rescued me." Luna snuggled into the blanket and feel into an even more deeper sleep leaving Toothless completely dumbfounded. 

OK, what do I do? what do I do know? I need to figure this out. Wait, who is a love expert. Of course! Hiccup! Toothless got up and started to make his way to his best friends house.


Toothless knocked on the door. after a couple of seconds Hayden opened the door.

"Hey bud! Come in!" Hayden greeted as the two sat down on the couch.

"Where's Astrid?" Toothless asked looking around.

"Oh, she's in the shower, why did you come?" Hayden replied. Toothless went on to explain what had occurred with him and Luna.

"-And then she said she had a crush on me but she was talking in her dreams and now I don't know what to do." Hayden sat in silence for a couple of second.

"Ok, Toothless, I've noticed a couple of things and I'm just going to get to the point, Do you have a crush on Luna?" Toothless instantly started to blush. He gave a sigh and nodded indicating a yes.

"Then use this to your advantage!" Toothless gave Hayden a confused look, "You know that she likes you so all you have to do is ask her a question that you now know she will 99% say yes to!"

"And what question would that be?" Toothless asked. 

"Ask Luna on a date!"


DROPPING THE BOMB ON YOUUUUUUUU! Lol. Well there you all go! School started on Monday so the updates might become a bit late, sorry. I started to write this chapter on Sunday and it took a bit of time but I did it!

Thank you all so much for all the love and support! I started  out t have no comments for a chapter but now I am getting so much support so thank you all!

Stay safe, dream BIG!


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