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The Man Whom They Call Fury

Parings: Hiccstrid, ToothlessxLuna and maybe some more in the future

Authors note: Hi everyone! I'm really now trying to finish this book and get a chapter out every couple of days. School starts back next-to-next week and I'm sad as normally Summer holidays last till June. 

Anyways here y'all go!

Chapter 29

Astrid looked around the room, there was a sink along with a small room with a door which must have been the toilet, there was also one bed which was big enough to fit just 2 people on.

Stoick must have planned this  Astrid thought as she kept on looking around. She'd never been around this part of the prison as, at the time, it never existed. It was built the moment she left by Stoick, who had planned the whole thing out from the start. Astrid sat down in the corner opposite to Hayden, who was now also sitting down and looking at the ceiling. Astrid looked at Hayden who didn't look back at her.

"Look Hayden, t-there's a reason I did it, a reason why I betrayed everything and everyone including you. I just can't tell...... I don't know how too." Astrid said. She looked back into the corner knowing she wouldn't get an answer.

"So there's a reason that will make me forgive you for everything you did?" Hayden, to Astrid's complete surprise, answered back in a low, sarcastic tone.

"It's not like that Hiccup" Astrid replied.

"You know, Stoick wants to hurt me so much, he has done throughout my whole life but If I had a choice to relive all that pain or relive your betrayal I would choice my childhood with open arms." Hayden finished as tears silent tears rolled down Astrid's eyes.


Astrid looked up at the clock in the cell. It had only been an hour since Hayden and her had talked yet if felt like years. She looked at Hayden, who was lying down on the bed looking up at the ceiling. During the hour Astrid had tried to start a conversation with Hayden but the attempts went in vain as he didn't even respond back. Astrid started thinking about whether she should just sit down or move around when another thought came into her mind, something she hadn't even thought of.

Oh no! What about Maddie? Oh God what kind of mother am I to forget my daughter? I ned to know how she is!  Astrid sprung up and started banging the door as hard as she could as Hayden only watched. The door opened to reveal around 10 guards.

"I want to speak with Stoick!" She said as one of the guards closed the door again. Astrid stood there as it opened again to reveal Stoick himself. Now Hiccup just slid into one of the dark corners and just watched.

"I have the right to know how she is." Astrid said in a low voice.

"You know, you have a chance to get her back....." Stoick stated.


"At lunch you have to tell everyone about her and why you betrayed them and then only I'll even think about, you tell Hayden before hand and I'll her." And with that Stoick left as the guards closed the doors. Astrid crumbled into a ball and started to cry. Could she do it? Could she tell everyone her biggest secret? It was a chance to make sure that her daughter was ok but at the same time was this a plan of Stoick's to make her reveal her secret? The question was ripping her in two. Hiccup, who was silently watching the whole time was confused. Stoick said something to her and now she's crying. He must have hit a nerve of hers that's made her cry, but what?  Hayden thought really hard, remembering the time hen he hacked into BATO's database and reading Astrid's file. He remembered the part about her boyfriend at the time and how he mysteriously disappeared after quitting. Maybe it's about this? Something happened between the two that made him leave.... But what? So many mysteries, there must be something connecting everything, the boyfriend, the betrayal and this moment. Maybe it's something or perhaps someone..... Hiccup just couldn't figure it out. For the first time in his life he couldn't figure it out. He could figure out everything in the past but now he was so confused. Just like his father's abomination of him. He'd have to figure it out....


For Astrid it was the most scariest time of her life considering the fact that she had been on more missions than anyone else in BATO. It was time for her to tell everyone the reason for all of her actions. She was scared for mainly 3 reasons. 1. If she would be able to see her daughter. 2. How everyone would react and 3. If she would ever be forgiven. As the clock struck 2:30, the guards came and opened the door and escorted them to the cafeteria while putting blindfold on them. None of them resisted as they travelled down the narrow passages to the cafeteria. As the guards pulled their blindfolds, Astrid was surprised to see all of the group there eating, chatting a bit. Once they saw Astrid their expression changed and they kept on eating in silence. There was only one bench big enough for all of them, another one of Stoick's ways of forcing them all to be in contact. Astrid sat down and looked at the tray. There was just some bread and a chicken-leg along with some water. As they started eating she could hear Ruffnut and Tuffnut whisper.

"Why do think she did it?" Ruffnut whispered.

"Well, she probably did it to keep clear of the charges while the rest of us are left here to rot." Tuffnut replied. That, for Astrid, was a good time to start talking.

"Alright listen, I have a reason why I did it....." Astrid started. Now everyone was looking at her except Hiccup, who was just looking at the food and taking small bites of it.

"Ok, there's a secret that I've been keeping for a very, very long time and it's the reason why I did all those things." Still Hiccup wasn't looking at anyone.

"I'm- I'm a m-mother." Now Hiccup was looking. Everyone gasped.

"You're a mom?" Snotlout asked. Now Stella stood up.

"Ok, I've also got something to say, I knew the whole time."

"What!" Everyone except Astrid exclaimed.

"Astrid didn't want to leave her job and I am her best friend so I offered her daughter to stay with me while Astrid was working." Hiccup just simply sat there watching without saying anything.

"Hiccup?" Astrid said, getting no reply, "Please say something! Do something! Scream, anything!" Hiccup looked at her.

"I'm sorry." He said now standing up, "I wasn't being reasonable, I should have thought why you did it, I knew our relationship meant a lot to you but I was being selfish and arrogant. What is wrong with me!" Hiccup ran his hand through his hair turning around. Hiccup felt ashamed that he made Astrid feel like that. As he stood with his back turned, the most unexpected thing happened that even he wasn't expecting. Astrid was hugging him from behind, lightly crying into him. All he could do was just stand there. Suddenly a doo opened to reveal many armed men along with Stoick. 

"Despite all the things I've done, I'm still a man of my words." He said shoving a little girl into the room.

"MOMMY!" The girl screamed as she ran to Astrid, who hugged her as they both started to cry. 

At last, mother and daughter were finally reunited.....


Well there you all go! Thank you all so much for the support! I cannot believe we've made it to 16.7K on The Shadow Raider and 7.4K on this book! 

I think that this is the part of the story where I can say that it's the beginning of the end! Now it's just a final stretch of maybe 10 chapters to finish this whole thing off! It's now also the time to think about the next one and honestly I have no idea what I'm supposed to write for the next one! If anyone has any ideas then please tell me!

Follow me to get notified when I put another chapter out or I put something in my feed! And also forget what you read at the Authors Description, I just found out that my school's online opening has been moved to 26th May from 16th May! That is acceptable for me!

Thanks everyone for all the support!


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