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The Man Whom They Call Fury

Ships: Hiccstrid, ToothlessxLuna

Rated: K+

Warning!: This story has a lot of Hiccstrid and and no adult stuff so if you can handle the hicctrid good on you

[Author's note] Hello everyone! I am back with another chapter! I wanna thank everyone for the support on the last chapter, every little thing means a lot for me! Can we get The Shadow Raider to 20K and this book to 10K?

Anyways let's get cracking 

Chapter 32

"What do you mean we can't get out?" Astrid exclaimed as everyone looked at Hiccup. He took a deep breath as he looked over at the others.

"It happened last night.......


Toothless was looking at the control panel as Dagur was looking at the notice board. Snotlout was trying to figure out what to look at. Hiccup had pick-locked the filing cabinet in the guards office and pulled out a couple of files. There were labels on them describing what they were about. There was 1 about the guard's schedules, Something on instructions on the control panel. Hiccup kept on looking through them for something interesting when something caught his eye. In the filing cabinet there was a little latch at the back. Hiccup pulled on it, suddenly a secret draw unlocked from it. Everyone else was too busy to see him so he opened it. 

October 7th 1998


The construction of Stoick Haddock's maximum security prison was said to be flawed by many of the people testing the building. The investigators noted that there were no cameras in the cell corridor and there were no guards during the nights. There were also no guards or camera inside the cafeteria as well. They also noted several other key flaws. The Investigators came to a conclusion that either Stoick Haddock was overlooking these flaws or were purposefully made that way which could allow and escape.

Hiccup kept on reading, there were also key notes on the forces outside the prison, a 24/7 patrol in the swamps and several watch towers all equipped with trained snipers. A Minefield along with electric gates. The truth was now key a stone to him.

[End of Flashback]

"And then I realised it, Stoick want's us to escape so that he has an actual reason to kill us especially me."

"How do you know that?" Snotlout asked, "If he wanted us dead he would have done it by now!"

"He can't kill us," Toothless said, " We've already made the headlines and the the Stoick made sure we were gonna stay here for life for our 'crimes'. If we died then he'd have to have a reason for it. He's betting that we will try to escape and then he'll have a reason to kill us. It would be a breakout attempt that ended bad." Everyone was in silence.

"Well done! Well done! I am actually impressed Hiccup!" A voice said through the PA, " I wanna give you a gift for your successful raid of last night!" The doors to the cafeteria opened to reveal Stoick along with  a battalion of guards. He was hauling over another person by his head. 

"We caught him sneaking around trying to get you out," Stoick said shoving the man onto the floor, "He'll be staying in your cell." And with that Stoick left the room leaving the man groaning on the floor. 

"MADDIE NO!" Astrid screamed as Maddie went up to the groaning man on the floor.

"Would you like me to help you mister?" Maddie said trying to help the man get up. Suddenly the man gave a small chuckle as he managed to get himself up.

"You remind me of my own daughter." He said in a hoarse voice. He had light skin with white hair with some blue and orange hair. He wasn't wearing any shirt but was wearing some prison pants. He had blooded cuts along his chest and burns along his wrists. Hiccup recognised it as torture.

"You also have a daughter?" Maddie asked as the man coughed up a bit of blood.

"Yep, her name's Zoey, she's a little bit older than you with blonde hair." By now Astrid had managed to get control over feet and managed to rush over to Maddie and pick her up.

"Stay away from my daughter!" Astrid exclaimed picking up Maddie and walking back to the others.  The man groaned as he used the wall to get himself up. When he made finally make contact with them everyone could see his face. His hazel eyes gazed at them lifelessly. A bit of blood dripped from his mouth. There were bruises by his eyes and a couple of cuts on his cheeks. He looked dead into Toothless' eyes, who gasped in shock.

"You sly son of a b-" Toothless started.

"There are kids present Toothless, you really don't wanna finish that sentence." The man said. Toothless instantly rushed over to him and helped him onto one of the seats in the cafeteria.

"Umm, is anyone gonna tell us what's going on?" Snotlout said as Toothless sighed.

"Fine, I know Hiccup knows that before I joined him I was in a brotherhood of assassins called the 'Dragons' who were sworn to help the people. Unfortunately, our leader was murdered in clod blood by a man called Drago Bloodvist. We tried to overthrow him but he had his own men who put us in line. Then he made us do his dirty work like killing political men and all. That's when on a mission in India I met Hiccup and he helped me out." Toothless finished.

"Alright I know bud but how does this relate to him?" Hiccup asked.

"I was about to get to that," Toothless got up helping the mystery man up as well, "In the brotherhood we have a 'mentor' who'll guide us through our training and take us under their wing afterwards, This was my old mentor..... Codename Cloudjumper..........


Well well well, I know that this is 1 day late. Life is getting so hard! I promise to try my best ad finish this whole thing but there's so much to write!

But like big plot-twist huh! I was excited about writing this part. I looked up cloudjumper and found that he does have bits of blue and orange on him so I thought I'd make human cloudjumper have bits of blue and orange hair because why not!

That's all! Thank you all so much for all the love and support!


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