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Chapter 36

Hiccup could only stare at the woman in front of him. She just stared back at Hiccup. Nothing was said. Hiccup was trying to comprehend everything that was happening, this was his mother, the woman who left him to his father's mercy, the woman who could have taken him with her and they could have lead a happier life. 

"Hiccup, I know what you're thinking, 'How could I leave you with that horrible man' but I never knew what lengths he would go too. But I see, from all the pain, only remains the truth. The man you've become is greater than everything." Valka said turning back and ordering a man to take a team and sweep the rest of the building.

"There's a helicopter outside, just follow the sings out."  Valka said taking a turn around the corner ,"I missed you Hiccup, maybe we could catch up sometime." Hiccup only stared in shock, a sudden anger filled him.

"How could you!" He yelled as Valka turned back around, "YOU LEFT ME WITH HIM, YOU LET HIM DO ALL THAT TO ME! YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO TAKE ME WITH YOU!" Tears started forming in Hiccup's eyes. Valka only stared back in shock.

"Is that what he told you?" Valka replied back, something Hiccup wasn't expecting.

"W-What do you mean?" Valka only stared back.

"Hiccup I never left you there." Hiccup was lost for words.

"What" He was finding it hard to form words now.

"When I left Stoick, I took you with me. We had left Berk and had gone far away where Stoick couldn't get us, but I was wrong. Somehow, he had tracked us down and one night, I heard something coming from your room. I rushed up only to see you back into Stoick's arms. He dashed out the window and into a helicopter. I shouted as hard as I could but he was to far away. (This is like the scene when Valka get's taken but in a different way). I need to get going now Hiccup. Get to the helicopter." And with that she left down the corridor to clear the building. 

"Well that was something," Astrid exclaimed turning to Hiccup, "Are you going to be ok?" She asked as Hiccup nodded, lost for words. They started moving again, hauling a wounded Toothless with them, as they made their was back around the winding passages into the main entrance. The entered in what appeared to be the main hall. It looked almost like a hotel, a chandelier, a carpet at the entrance, a reception desk carved out of  marble. The room had almost a grand feeling to it, with the exception of the bodies of the dead guards scattered around the room. The room was like the main hub, with many different corridors and levels all starting from there. 

"Over here!" Snotlout said pointing to the corridor that say 'EXIT'. It was dark but they could make out the light at the end of it. They kept going, Toothless able to take a couple of steps before tumbling again. They all stumbled through the darkness, before being blinded by the light. As their eyesight balanced again, all of them were shocked. In front of them stood Stoick with a squad of highly trained operatives. 

"Did you really think you would get out of this alive?" Stoick said as the operatives pointed their modified guns at the gang. Hiccup looked around, observing the room. There was no cover around them and if they made a dash back into the corridor they would be gunned down in the blink of an eye. There was really no escape this time. There was another corridor behind the gunmen but it would be impossible to reach it.

"You know what to do," Stoick ordered the gunmen, " Kill them." The gun men aimed, their fingers caressing the trigger.

Suddenly gunshots rang out as all the guards dropped dead. 

"STOP!" A voice yelled, it came from the corridor behind Stoick. They turned to see Valka, in the flesh.

"Valka?" Stoick said in shock, his wife, after all these years, she looked as beautiful as the day she had left him with Hiccup. He looked back at Hiccup. The disappointment he had raised, he knew that what he had done to him was wrong but there was nothing he could have done. After Valka had left with Hiccup, something clicked in him. Up to the point of her leaving, Stoick had started showing the signs of being abusive, first the drinking, then the shouting between him and his wife. Then when Valka left, there was a void in him that had sucked everything. He had managed to get Hiccup back but it wasn't the same. Instead of being a good father, he let that void take over, unfortunately taking Hiccup in with it. 

 "How could you!" Stoick could only stare back in shock. 

"How could you do this to your own flesh and blood! Hiccup was made out of love and kindness! What happened!?" Stoick continued to remain silent. 

"Say something! Stop being so Stoick! Shout, scream, do something!"

"V-Valka....... You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." Stoick took a couple of steps forward. Suddenly, Valka took out one of her holstered guns, aiming it right at Stoick's chest. 

"Mom? What are you doing!" Hiccup exclaimed looking on at Valka and Stoick.

"Something I should have done a long time ago." Only one shot rang out, loud enough for Hiccup despite all the time he had spent around guns. Tears fell from Valka's eyes as Stoick dropped into a kneeling position, his hand feeling the blood erupting from his wound. Hiccup rushed towards his father's side. In the moment, he had forgotten everything his father had done to him, all the pain, all the suffering, he kneeled down next to his father. Stoick wiped a tear that was on Hiccup's cheek. 

"I'm sorry my son" was all that escaped his lips as he fatefully dropped to the floor.....lifeless


Alright.... I am so sorry for the massive break that I took for this chapter. To be honest, I lost all will to write this chapter but I got myself together and finished it. Life has been absolute hectic these last 2-3 months with my exams and other things like my best friend leaving in March. My dad said that if I got good marks on the exams then I could get a new pc so it's another reason why I worked so hard for the exams.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. 


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