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Hello everyone! I am so sorry for the long wait. I was really busy.

Here's to you all for your patience....


[Hiccup's POV]

I walked away. I could see the shock attack all of them. Astrid didn't make a move. It was getting late. The sun had just set over the other peaks surrounding us. I walked past the orchid path and entered the black building which had all of the rooms. I took the elevator to the executive floor which contained my room, Dagur's, Heather's, Toothless' and Mala's and even the gang's. I don't know why I am being kind to them. They crushed you! Punish them! How can you even love hat woman who never stood up for you!  My brain shouted at me. I pushed all of those thoughts to the side and entered my room. My bed was there. The living room had a 49 inch flat-screen smart TV. There was an electric fireplace. I walked to the dinning room. It was fairly large. It had a table and was the center of it all. To my left was the kitchen. I decided I wasn't hungry. I walked into my bathroom and took of all my clothes. I hopped into the shower and indulged myself into my thoughts. Afterwards, I put on my armor and went to the top of the building...

[Astrid's POV]

I watched as Hiccup walked away. I was frozen in shock. I looked at the gang. The all were shocked as well.

"Oh my god." Ruffnut said. She looked at me. The entire gang looked at me. 

"I'm going to go to my room." I quickly left. I walked to the building and went into my room at the top floor. I got in and closed the door and squealed like a girl. I decided that I needed to rest. I walked into my bedroom. I it was hot in there so I opened a window. The moment I opened it a voice filled the air. I instantly recognized it. It was Hayden's.

"Hey Zephyr. I'm back for the sixth time. Um.. Today has been very weird and it's the six year anniversary of your death." He said. I knew Zephyr Haddock, she was Hiccup's elder sister. His words shocked me. Stoick told all of us that she left for college and would not come back for a while. Hayden continued, 

"I remember that day so clearly, One second your defending me against dad's abuse and then the next moment Dad shoots you and your dead body is laying on the floor." That also shocked me. I needed to find out more. I grabbed my coat and dashed out of my room. I took a couple of turns and saw the ladder. I slowly climbed up and walked down the corridor. I slowly peeked to where Hiccup was. He was sitting sort of deck chair. Infront of him was a was a bonfire. It's cackling flames gave birth to a dark shadow that looked behind Hiccup. In his hand was a bottle of whisky. Tears rolled down his eyes. It broke me from the inside to see his state.

"You know Zephyr, I have dad here in this place. I have the gang here. I could just give them pain. Give Stoick pain. He killed you in cold blood. Infront of my eyes. I can never forgive him." He started to sob loudly. Each time he wept it tore me on the inside. Each tear the rolled down his face were like knifes that pierced my heart. Come on Astrid! Go and comfort him!  I decided to give in. I slowly walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. I didn't know that what came next would be unexpected.....

[Hiccup's POV]

I was breaking on the inside. I decided to let all my pain release as sobs. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I felt threatened. In seconds, I had pinned this person to the walls of the corridor and held a gun to their head. Then it hit me. Through the light of the dancing flames I managed to see this person. It was Astrid! I let her go and put my gun back into its holder and sat down, watching the flames.

"Is it true? Did Stoick really kill her?" She asked. How did she know? She must have eavesdropped! 

"Did you eavesdrop on what I was saying?" I asked. She gave a sort of guilty look,

"50-50. My bedroom was hot so I opened a window as we are on a mountain so it would be cold and then I heard your voice." I handed her a glass of whiskey.

"You ever had a shot?" I asked. She hesitantly took the glass,

"Well, I don't like getting drunk and I never have actually as I think it's for fools who cant handle their current situations." She swirled the liquid around in the glass. I got up and walked infront of her and held my bottle to her glass.

"To pain." I drank from it. She slowly started to drink as well. I sat back down in the deck chair and shuffled a bit, giving enough space for her to sit down.....

[Astrid's POV]

My head felt weird as I drunk the whisky. It did taste nice but I learnt that it can take a bit for the alcohol to kick in. 

"Do you want to lie down here?" Hiccup said gesturing to the space he had made. I sat next to him and slowly lay down. We both looked up at the starry night above us. I felt Hayden slowly move his hand behind my back and around me. I realized what he was trying to do but instead of fighting it my gut urged me to snuggle closer to him and I did so. I rested my head on his chest. He sighed as he continued to look at the sky.

"You know the starts are so small from down here but when they all group together they manage to form something of immense beauty! But in all of this there is something I see that is even more beautiful than everything."

"And what's that?" I ask out of curiosity.

"You." That one word in this conversation made me blush ferociously. I felt his warm hand cup my cheek as he slowly moved his head closer to mine. He stopped hesitantly as our noses brushed each other. 

I closed the distance from our lips.....



Thank you all so much for everything!

Shout out to flammingfox and _Rawr-Dinosaur_ for adding this book to their things


I am now uploading all my stories onto fanfiction net!

Yep that's all for now!


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