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Hello everyone! I am back with another chapter. Before we start off with this one, I would like to say 2 things that are important to me as a write and this story which I have put all my effort in.

1. I want to thank everyone for all the love and support for this story. You may never understand how much it personally means to me but to put it in words. It means everything.

2. To those who managed to put it together (I would be surprised if anyone saw this coming), yes this is the last chapter in this chapter. This has been an amazing journey for me and I hope for you as well. Thank you all so much.

Now let's get do this!  

Chapter 37 

"Come on kids! Up, up, you're gonna be late for school!" 2 children sat up, one with auburn hair which she got from her father, and sea blue eyes which she got from her mother. The other child, a boy, with bright blonde hair and forest green eyes.

"Good morning, Nathan," The girl said in between yawns.

"G-Good morning, Maddie." The boy said to his older sister as they both hobbled out of bed and down the hall into the bathroom where they brushed their teeth. They walked back into their bedroom where they met their mother again who had laid their school clothes on their beds.

"Change your clothes and come down, I've made your favourite today!" Their mother said as they excitedly changed their clothes and rushed downstairs. They entered the living room, noticing the two plates, each with their favourite food, pancakes.

"Good morning mommy!" They said taking a seat at the dining table as their mother gave some loving kisses on their foreheads.

"Good morning daddy!" They said to the man at the other end at the table reading the newspaper. He put it down, looking back at his kids with his green eyes, his auburn hair covering a bit of his forehead while his small beard covered his chin.

"Good morning, everyone." Hiccup replied back, finishing the coffee he was drinking. He got out of his chair and made his way over to the sink and placing his cup inside. Astrid was standing at the kitchen counter, packing the kids lunch. Suddenly, Hiccup hugged his wife from behind, earning him a kiss.

The kids, who had finished eating their breakfast and were ready to go to school, made a puking sound, causing Hiccup and Astrid to laugh.

"Alright kids, time to go to school!" Hiccup said grabbing his coat from the coat hanger as the kids put on their bags and walked out the front door., Hiccup walking out last.

"Come back quick." Astrid said kissing Hiccup once again. He made his way to his mustang, sitting down on the leathery seat and turning on the engine as Maddie and Nathan got in, buckling their seatbelts. Hiccup adjusted the rear-view mirror slightly, putting his hands on the steering wheel.

"Everyone ready?" He said looking at his kids as they both nodded,

ㄟ (≧◇≦) ㄏ

Hiccup walked down the pathway to his house, a disgusting smell hitting his nose.

"What is that smell!" Hiccup exclaimed hanging up his coat on the coat rack.

"I wanted to make something new for this year's get together, so I made this!" Astrid put a cup on the counter as Hiccup looked at it, it was grey and a little bit bubbly.

"Soo, what is it? " Hiccup asked looking at the drink hesitantly taking a sip.

"it's yacknog, my newest creation!" Hiccup dared to swallow but he couldn't keep the foul taste in his mouth any longer.

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