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The Man Whom They Call Fury

Pairings: Hiccstrid, ToothlessxLuna

Disclaimer: I do not own HTTYD.

[Authors Note] Hello everyone! It's me back again with another chapter for you all! I did take a LONG break. I'm really sorry for the long break. 

Enough with the negativity, I'm a bit excited but at the same time I want to get this over with so I can begin with all the juicy stuff *Wink Wink*

Chapter 24

Toothless couldn't even think nor form a single word. Ask Luna out on a date?  The question was burnt into his brain. 

"Umm, bud you ok?" Hayden asked nudging his best friends a bit. Toothless jolted back into reality.

"You think she would say yes?" Toothless asked pondering over the question. In fact,  thinking about it, it might just work! Hayden was nodding as Toothless got up and got ready to leave the home. Toothless grabbed his jacket that he had hung when he had entered and walked out. He looked at all the beautiful flowers as they gaped at him, howling in grace. He picked out the keys that were in his pocket and quietly opened the door, making sure he didn't wake Luna up. He stumbled into the home and placed his jacket along with all the contents of his pockets in the cabinet present at the side. He walked over into the living room. He slowly lowered himself onto the sofa and gazed into the unlit fireplace. He rested his head back as he thought of the one thing in his mind. Date..... More importantly Asking LUNA on a date..... He grabbed a bottle of water that was on the table and swirled it around in a cup as he thought about it.


[Luna's POV]

After a whole month of being sick I finally recovered! I never want a stomach bug ever again! Toothless took me to the towns clinic and helped me out with my per-scripted medicine afterwards. The doctor did say that it would were off after 2 weeks but it decided to go on for another 1 more week making it a whole month. For the first week Toothless seemed very distance but he slowly came to his senses. Currently I'm sitting amongst the flowers that we have in our back garden. I just love this place. Everyone came around 2 nights ago for dinner. It was very nice. I could hear soft footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Toothless slowly coming to me.

"Hello!" I said, he smiled as he kneeled down next to me.

"S-So I w-wanted to a-ask, would you l-like to watch a movie?" He asked me. I was confused. It was cute whenever he stuttered. I decided to be confident for once.

"Like now?" He started to blush.

"No I mean like in town, at the movie theatre."  Now I realised what he meant.

"L-like a date?" I was blushing hard.

"Y-ya,  mean but like if you're not interested then that's ok and lik-" I put my finger on his lips effectively silencing him.

"Tonight, it's a date." I got up and left Toothless speechless in the garden.


The night came sooner than I thought. I stood in front of a mirror. Astrid had given me makeup for the date. I put on some of it. I didn't want to overdo it and make me look like a fool. I looked at the small selection of clothes that lay on the bed. Toothless was in the other room also getting ready. There was a red dress with heels. it didn't look appropriate though. I then looked at a red jumper along with a light-blue jeans. I put that on, it looked perfect! I grabbed the jacket that came along with it and prepared myself. 

As I opened the door, I was surprised to see Toothless ready. He was wearing jeans and a black hoodie. He put his arm out. I took it as he led me down the stairs and out of the house. As we walked out, a cold wind hit my skin as we slowly started out journey. The town was just 10 minutes by walking. We took a couple of streets into town. We took a turn and made our way into the centre of town. There stood a beautiful fountain. I saw a hot dog stand that had closed down for the night. We kept on going through the town. There weren't that many houses as the streets were lined with small shops. As we kept on going. I aw the pavement disappear and instead became a parking lot. In front of us was a massive building, the sign IMAX shining like a star. Around us were a couple of small restaurants like Nando's and 'East to West' (Quick note if you ever went to the town called Stevenage in England then almost all of these details are actually true!) and a couple more. As we entered the building a nice warm air hit us. Then something hit me. What are we going to see?  I looked over at Toothless who was eyeing down a popcorn. 

"Umm Toothless, what movie are we going to watch?" He gave a small chuckle.

"Remember a couple of nights ago we saw 'The Lego movie'," I gave a nod, "Well, since you enjoyed it so much I got to know that the producers made a second movie and they were screening it here!" I was excited.

I got a caramel popcorn while Toothless got a cheese popcorn. We gave our tickets and were allowed inside. We entered and walked down a dim corridor. I saw the big screen playing a couple of ads. Me and Toothless took our seats. The lights suddenly dimmed a bit more as the movie begun. I could feel Toothless slowly coming closer to me, laying his hand on mine. I lay my head on his shoulder as we watched the movie. This made me feel as if we were meant to be.....



Wattpad decided to be an absolute jerk and erase all of this so I had to start again. 

WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 10K ON THE SHADOW RAIDER! if we get to at least 7K on this book then I'll be so happy!

Again thank you everyone for all the love and support. Follow me to get updated on every time I update or give out an announcement! It's free and you can unfollow me any time.]

Stay safe, Dream BIG


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