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Hello everyone! How are y'all! I am good, my exams are over and I had a one week break but now I am back!

I've got nothing else to say right now. 

Let's get rollllinnggggg!

Chapter 34

The time was closing in. The suspense that had accumulated inside the prison was like a ticking time-bomb, having the ability to explode any minute. The transmission that the Gang had received stated seven days until a 'rescue squad' would be coming to break them out. It had been 5 days since then. The silence that had slithered it's way through the corridor outside the cells was interrupted by the occasional radio-chatter from the guards. Hiccup and Astrid were lost in thought while Maddie sat impatiently.

"Mommy I'm bored." Maddie complained looking around the cell for the thousandth time.

"Well there's nothing mommy can do right now honey." Astrid replied back sweetly as she went back into her thoughts. She looked over to Hiccup.

"What do we do now?" She asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Well, we'll have to wait." Hiccup said peering out of the window, the sun slowly disappearing over the horizon," We'll met up with the Gang and discuss some things with Toothless and CloudJumper." And with that the room was once filled with silence. An hour or two went by when a group of guards opened the doors and escorted the 'prisoners' to the cafeteria for lunch which consisted of mashed potatoes, water, bread and chicken.

"So," Heather said leaning into the table, "How long?" Cloudjumper looked up from his meal.

"It should be going down tonight." He said in a hushed voice. Then the unexpected happened, the door slammed open to reveal Stoick.

"Well, well, well, what brings you around these parts?" Hiccup said sarcastically as Stoick stood there.

"Did you really think I was that dumb?" Stoick explained, "Did you really think I would allow you to freely converse in this room and not hear everything?" He said as a bright light started to shine in the middle of the table. A little drone, the size of a small ball, flew up from the table and landed in Stoick's open palm.

"This thing has allowed me to listen to everything that has been going on here but there are some things missing." He approached Hiccup, grabbing him by his head and slammed him into the adjacent wall.

"Something's going down tonight and I know it but the question is what!" Stoick yelled landing a punch into Hiccup's stomach.

"I'm not gonna tell you and there's nothing you can do about it!" Hiccup replied back, spitting a bit of blood out.

"Oh I know there's nothing i can do to you to tell me," Stoick paused looking over at Astrid, "That's why she's there." Stoick pushed Hiccup into the wall of guards behind him as he went over to Astrid, the guards holding Hiccup back as the extras held of the others. Stoick pulled Astrid by her hair, dragging her out of the room.

"HICCUP!" She yelled as they had gone out of the room.

"FINE I'LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING! JUST LET HER GO!" Hiccup screamed back, only getting silence as a reply. Then he could hear the footsteps as Stoick reemerged once again. He let Astrid go as she rushed towards her daughter, holding her in in her own arms. He then turned to Hiccup.

"What is happening tonight?" He questioned as Hiccup tried to stand up, the concussions he had received from being slammed into the wall kicking in.

"W-W-We w-w-were....." He started.

"YOU WERE WHAT! FINISH THE SENTENCE FOOL!" Stoick yelled hauling Hiccup back up.

"We were going to escape the cells and explore the prison and look for a way out!" Hiccup said. The room once again filled with silence. Stoick put Hiccup back down, who shuffled back to the Gang.

"Double the security, double the guards and have full around-the-clock CCTV. No one should take a break except when the shift change, oh and change the shifts." Stoick said to the guards who nodded in reply. Then a thought entered Stoick's mind. He whispered something to the guards as 4 of them rushed Toothless, grabbing him by the arms and hauled him out of the room.

"TOOTHLESS!" Luna screamed trying to run to him, Astrid and heather holding her back as she burst into tears.

"Don't worry Luna! It's going to be alright!" Toothless said as the guards dragged him out of the room.

"As a punishment for taking so long and conspiring escape, I think he can stay in the torture chamber tonight. " Stoick said as he and the guards left. Luna was still in shock, hot tears streaking down her face, as the guards took them back to the cells. Now Luna was all alone in the cell as the others were still shocked my the events that had taken place.

"So, what do we do now?" Astrid asked as she sat down on the bed, holding her daughter, who was slightly dozing off. Hiccup got up and started rummaging around the room, checking every corner, nook and crany.

"Well, there's no CCTV or listening devices in this room, so I guess we can talk freely." Hiccup said sitting next to Astrid.

"We need to wait now," Hiccup declared. Astrid noticed something was wrong and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, he's gonna be fine." Astrid said. Hiccup was only lost in thoughts. 

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

It had been hours since any talk happened in the cell. Astrid was holding a sleeping Maddie while Hiccup had lay down on the bed. Suddenly a loud boom occurred. Hiccup had immediately jolted out of bed as the whole building rattled. He knew what exactly what was going on. They had arrived.....


So something happened to Wattpad and it glitched. Not sure what happened there. Ummm. Please tell me if this chapter is glitched or not.

Not much else to say

Thanks for all the support everyone!


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