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Wasssssuppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!! Ok Hi everyone! I'm back with your update! I am very happy with all the answers I have gotten For the future of this story! Now looking at the current answer Option 3 is probably going to win! I am so excited!

just a quick FYI, The  the next chapter WILL be affected by your answers!

Yes shout out's down bellow and some complaints I have been getting. DON'T WORRY! If any of you are seeing a bunch of code for the previous chapter then you all didn't miss much.

Just that Astrid and hiccup had a date and went to sleep and someone was watching them.

If you can read this chapter then comment down bellow!

And tally wag AWAY!!!!!


[Astrid's POV]

I slowly started to wake up to see some light shining through the window. As I went to close the blind I felt a hand around my waist. I turned to see a sleeping Hayden. I smiled.

"Good morning Babe." I said softly as his eyes fluttered open. He stretched his arms and have a big yawn. I couldn't help but giggle. 

"Good morning!" he said planting a kiss on my forehead. I snuggled more into him. Suddenly I hear pounding.

"Ugh," He moans, "I'll get it!" He says getting up and opening the door to the bedroom. I get up and follow him. As he opened the door, Toothless emerged in a full tactical armor.

"Hey bud. What's up? Your wearing your gear, So it's important?" Hayden said.

"No time! 10 minutes, meeting room!" Toothless immediately went, Then I noticed Heather and Dagur along with the gang hurry with him away. Hayden closed the door and looked at me.

"Ok, do have any gear?" I nodded, "Ok. Put that on Now!" I ran into the corridor and went into my room. Pulling my room key out, I entered. I made my way into my bedroom and Opened the closet. On the wall was my armor, I put on my blue bulletproof vest  and my gun holster. Then I put a revolver in it and grabbed my family axe and strapped it to my back.

As I made my way back into the corridor, Hayden emerged in his gear. He had a black full body armor with his mask.(Imagine Hiccup's Armor in HTTYD THW That one ヾ(≧▽≦*) ) He slowly approached me.

"Ok come one! Follow me" And with that I followed him.


We stopped at a dark oak door. Hayden grabbed the golden handles and opened it. Inside were a bunch of seats. Hayden gestured me to follow as we made our way to the front. There were The gang and Dagur and Heather. We took our seats as the light in the room dimmed a bit and a big light shone at the front. There stood toothless.

"Ok everyone! Today I will be briefing this mission!" He took a breathe.

"Now the target is an armored warship-like boat called the Skullcrusher. It has the firepower of around 200 tanks and takes around 80 RPG's to even make a dent in it. This ship holds a very important cargo." The slide changed to show a drone.

"This is the Red death, the first weaponized drone to be powered by the sun. (If any of you guessed it then yes this is the drone from Spies in Disguise!). It will never stop hunting down it's target and is ruthless. It was stolen by BATO from a weapons covert lab. If the Berkians get their hand's on this then it's game over for us all." I felt a bit scared. Hayden reassuringly held my hand. The slide changed to a picture of the boat and the surrounding water.

"Ok, Hayden, you will be in the Fury. Astrid, you will be with Hayden. Ok now listen very closely, I along with the BATO gang with be in the zippleback, an armored submarine. Twins, you will be in the dual gunning stations, Snotlout, you will be in the docking bay and Fishlegs, you will be at navigations. Now we have that all clear then let's move out!" And with that Toothless started to walk to the exit. The rest of us also headed over with him. Hayden let go of my hand and walked over to Toothless.

"Nice briefing." They exchanged smiles as they headed downwards. As we were heading into an elevator Fishlegs spoke up.

"Umm Hayden, if we are on a mountain then how on Earth are we going to get to the sea?" Suddenly Hayden burst into a fit of laughter.

"Oh you'll see Fish." and with that we stayed silent. Then the elevator shuddered still as a pair of doors opened revealing a cave of some sorts. There a neon sign was lit saying "The Cove" Inside were around 10 different planes. There were writings on them. One said The changewing, another said The gronkle, me and Hayden entered a black one that went by the name Fury, There I took as seat as Hayden entered the cockpit and fired up the engine. Then he signaled to Toothless and both the planes took off into the sky as we left Bewilderbeast for a bit..... I had a bad feeling about this 'Mission Impossible'.....


Hey everyone! Hope you like this chapter. I am so excited for the next chapter! A little change is that the deadline for your answer is Monday! Since I know I will be writing a lot for the upcoming action I will be splitting the mission into 2 parts (The mission is not the the name for the upcoming chapters). 

Now time for a lot of shout outs! Shout outs to :- LCSMA2SamuraiMatrixPrime_Enchanteress_NickDidItAgain4646t4AgnieGMultifandomReader17XzinnFuryBaconwastakenFlame109astridzudragonsAmaliaSterckxhufflepuff2327Dark_nebula2005PatrickHealy706jaznin50127TarekAboelseoudTniffyDragonRider,savageboss617yodude484Fang257Intrested01Remidogkaky2587 and finally JuneLifeOtaku99. Thank you all for reviewing or voting or adding this book to your reading lists!

I guess that's all for now!

Stay safe! Dream big!


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