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Hi everyone!  I am so excited for this. This is when your voices come into action when you all voted for the future of this story! Read to find out what option won.....

Anyways another important thing is that I have been formally invited into Webnoval! It's a cool place and I have put on the first chapter of The Shadow Raider there. if you have any friends who are on that platform then it would be really nice if you told them about my books.

Anyways, prepare yourself because this is the buildup.......

The raid part one


[Hayden's POV]

The engine gave a low rumble as we slowly took of. The surroundings that stretched around us slowly disappeared as we made our way higher and higher above the clouds. I flicked a few switches activating the computer navigation system. After a few seconds the digital screen gave a beep and a small triangle indicating the target. I unbuckled the seatbelt and allowed the auto pilot to do the work.

As I turned around I saw Astrid stand up and look at me.

"I feel ashamed Hiccup." She said

"Why?" I asked. She turned away.

"I don't know. I've worked in BATO for 10 years and I didn't even realised it's cruelty to others." A tear left her eye and rolled down her cheek. I wiped it away and engulfed her in a hug.

"That was all in the past," I said holding her cheek and wiping another tear, "If they get the Red Death then they can bring the whole of Europe to it's knees and kill more people than the black plague." We sat down. She rested her head on my lap as he stretched her legs out on the seats of the plane. I took of my helmet as I  caressed her head. She closed her eyes. Suddenly the computer chip started to beep. I gently put her head on the seat and ran over to the computer. The screen lit up in letters saying ' TIME CALCULATED, YOU WILL ARRIVE AT YOUR DESTINATION IN 2 HOURS' the letters left the screen as I let Astrid sleep. I decided to turn the auto pilot off as I sat down in the seat. I looked through the glass in the cock pit to see Toothless flying the zippleback. I went back to focusing on the flying.....


[Astrid's POV]

I felt something nudge me and my name being said. I slowly opened my eyes to see Hayden's shimmering emerald ones.

"H-Hayden?" I asked slowly sitting up, he handed me a hot chocolate as I slowly drank.

"Milady, we're 1 hour away from the mission, I had to wake you up." He finished. He sat down next to me as I slowly took a few sips of the drink. He wrapped a hand around me.

"When we get on board the Skullcrusher, you're gonna see things that you might have never thought BATO were capable of doing. They loot others, use others for pleasure and torture some. What you're about to see it the other face of BATO, the other face of Stoick." I finished my drink as I handed him the cup. I felt a bit scared. If Stoick was capable of killing Zephyr Haddock in cold blood then I needed to prepare myself for what was to come.


The Skullcrusher  had come into few. I could see it out of the window. Suddenly Hayden started to descend into the water.

"HAYDEN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled. He started to laugh. I looked back out of the window to see the zippleback  also going to crash into the water. Suddenly the entire plane was engulfed in water as the engine cut of. Hayden flicked a few switches and suddenly fins appeared from the side of the plane as it slowly rumbled to life. I then realised it. These planes could turn themselves into submarines!  It was amazing. Suddenly I heard Toothless' voice over the radio.

 "Ok, ready for magnetic attachment?" He said. Hayden agreed as we closed under the Skullcrusher. Suddenly the sub jolted as I looked to see that we had been attached to the hull of the big ship. Suddenly Hayden opened a compartment and brought something up. I got up ad walked over to him. Above us a hatch opened from the Fury  showing the hull of the Skullcrusher.  Hayden put the machine in touch of the hull and flipped a button. Suddenly a rod appeared from the thing and pierced itself into the hull. It then burst into flames as Hayden slowly  cut a hole in the hull. 

"What is that thing?" I asked. Suddenly a circular piece of the hull fell onto the floor as Hayden replied.

"I call it Inferno!" He finished. We slowly climber onboard. Suddenly we heard footsteps behind us. We turned to see the others. Toothless gave a hand out as we pulled ourselves up and peered into the narrowing hallway we were in.....

[Toothless' POV]

As I hauled Astrid and Hayden up, I looked at the hallway we were in. At each side there was a door. One said STORAGE and another said FILES. I brought out my weapon. It was a beautiful shotgun fitted with extra ammo and a purple paintjob. I clutched onto it as we started to make our way down the corridor. A door loomed over us. It said PRISONERS. 

"Should we go in?" I asked. Hayden nodded.

"It's the only way to the Red death remember?" I remember as we unlocked the door. We made our way in, peering into each cell. Nothing, there were no people and not that much light. Suddenly, a scream filled the air as we all stopped. As the end of the cells there was a bit of light as shadows danced on the floor. I gripped my weapon a bit harder as a voice spoke.

"Let's have a bit of fun!" Then there was a whimper.

"P-Please -No," Then I heard the unbuckling of belts. Then I knew I had to step in. I turned to corner facing the cell.  2 shots were fired. 2 bodies dropped dead and the whimpering continued. What I saw broke my heart. There was a girl.....


There you all go! I am so excited for the next one! HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ! Sorry got a bit carried away there.

There you all have it! I am not going to disclose anything. This is going to be AWESOME!

Anyways on a completely unrelated not I got a non-exclusive contract from Webnoval!

I don't know what to say anymore! I wanna get working on the next chapter!

Stay safe, dream big!


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