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Hello everyone! How are you all! I hope you all are having a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening or night! I know that last chapter was short but there is a reason which will be revealed in this chapter. 

Couple of shout outs before we begin! Big thanks to EmmaPaigeMaurer2HiccstridrocksDatBirddyTho and live_2_write_AH for commenting and/or following me!

Let's get going!

Chapter 26

The two sisters embraced each other in the moment of joy. Stella was absolutely crying her eyes out, something Astrid had never seen before. Luna on the other hand was shocked that she was actually holding her sister.

"I-I thought you were gone." Stella said hugging her tighter. Luna embraced the moment.  

"P-please, come inside!" Stella said breaking the hug as they all entered the apartment. Once entering, they all looked around while Stella and Luna sat down at the table and started to talk. The entrance room housed the cupboard for shoes and a place for keys. The living room contained a rocking chair, a massive sofa, a T.V. and the entrance to the kitchen. A hallway was also present that led to the bathroom and a bedroom. Toothless walked around the home before looking back at Hayden.

"This is a nice place isn't it." Toothless exclaimed but Hayden gave no answer. Hayden was still silent as he looked at the bookshelf. There was one book that caught his eye the most. It was 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. The thing that was so unusual about it was a very odd hole in the spine of the book. Hayden grabbed the book as the room went silent. Stella looked nervously at Hayden as he turned to the first page. He noticed an odd bump at the back of the page. He snapped the book in half, the pages falling to the ground. He picked up the book to find one things. A camera.....

"It isn't what it looks like!" Stella nervously said standing up. Suddenly Hayden pulled out a knife and held it against Stella's throat. Everyone was on edge. Tuffnut and Ruffnut were watching from the hallway while Snotlout was watching from the kitchen. Fishlegs stood near to the table while Astrid had gotten up and stood next to Stella.

"Hayden, Stella is my best friend! I-I'm sure she has a perfectly good reason why she has a camera in a book." Astrid said as Hayden slightly lowered the knife. Then stood in deep thoughts.

"Wait a minute. If Stella is your best friend then why didn't you call her Stormfly as best-friends call each other and you stuttered, you never stutter." Hayden said as Astrid started to inch back a bit. Suddenly Hayden started to look around. Then he looked at Stella. He paced towards he and pulled her hair back, only to reveal a microphone. 

"This is giving me Deja vu, the camera in the book and the microphone behind the ear. Wait a minute, this isn't Deja vu, this is a page right of Stoick the vast's playbook." Suddenly footsteps filled the room. Everyone turned to see the man himself. Stoick the Vast.....

"Let me guess, you got Stella to invite me and everyone else to her place, Astrid to make me agree to come and managed to rig the place so that you could ambush me. Did I get that correct?" Hayden asked as Stoick walked around the room.

"You know son, I am actually proud of you for once for figuring that out." Stoick replied. Suddenly Hayden pulled out again did Stoick as they pointed them at each other.

"What's stopping me from shooting you right here right now?" Stoick asked as Hayden's lips turned into a smile.

"Well, did you really think that I wouldn't have expected this, I knew from the very start what was going to happen. I'm not that dumb to track every phone call that happened. I knew that this was going to be an ambush so I just played along until right.... now!" Suddenly the door slammed open to reveal none other than Heather and Dagur both holding AK-47s. 

"Now what's stopping me from killing you?" Hayden asked but instead of Stoick panicking, he just stood there laughing which puzzled Hayden beyond end. Suddenly the window present on the wall smashed into a dozen pieces. Hayden and everyone else looked around only to find a very well known red dot on all their heads except Hayden's. A sniper dot.

"I am also not that dumb son. I always have the extra backup when I need it." Stoick said as the room was filled with BATO soldiers who cuffed everyone in the room.

"Wait a minute! I thought that I was going to be able to walk free along with Astrid. WHY AM I BEING CUFFED?" Stella yelled.

"Well, you are an accessory to my plan and I cannot have it in the open so I have to take you too." Stoick replied as his face turned into a faded smile.....

[Hayden's POV]

I couldn't believe that my plan had failed! I knew right from the beginning why we had come to Berk. Astrid was being blackmailed for something that I had yet to figure out so I made her job easier by making us all come to Berk. I got Heather and Dagur to get ready so that we could do a double ambush but I wasn't expecting the snipers! One of the guards put a bag over my head as all went black. Suddenly I was hit with something in my head as I slowly lost my consciousness.

My plan had failed and now everyone had to pay the price.....


Well for starters I am so sorry for the long wait on the chapter. Things got stressful. I am trying to get another chapter out in my one shot book that I made for you guys to read while I am not posting on this story. Go check it out if you want.

Thank you all so much for all the support and patience!


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