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Hi everyone! I'm back with another Chapter for y'all. I just wanna say that My exams have started so please don't expect to many uploads (As If I upload every week anyways).

Nothing else to say really. Here we go!

Chapter 35

The Explosions has rocked the whole building, from the front all the way to the back, a couple of rocks from the cement chipping off. Astrid had instinctively grabbed Maddie and held her close as Hayden did the same to Astrid. After around 5 minutes the rumbling had stopped. 

"You ok?" Hayden asked as Astrid got back up, dusting herself off. Hayden looked around the room. Suddenly there was a grating sound above them. They looked up to be met with Luna, who had managed to get into the vents.

"This way!" Luna said as Astrid handed Maddie to her, climbing up afterwards. Hayden looked around the room once more before joining them.

"Alright we're all here, how do we get out now?" Someone said. Hayden peered into the darkness of the vent and managed to make out some people.

"Snotlout is that you?" Hayden said as he started to make out who they were. Luna had managed to get everyone into the vents including Cloudjumper, Heather and Dagur.

"Well we can get into the corridor and then try to get into the main entrance . Problem is we've never been here before and there were no maps or blueprints."  Hayden said as they crawled to their way to the corridor. One by one they jumped down. Hayden was in front as they made their way into the familiar corridor and into the cafeteria. Surprisingly there were no guards there to stop them. They opened the door that led to the rest of the building. They made their way through a couple of other rooms, one was the armoury, another was the electrical room who's circuit had been fried from the initial blast. Finally they found themselves at a crossroad. There were 3 different areas, the cell which they had just come out from. The chambers and the Lobby.

"Now what?" Snotlout exclaimed.

"Well, we gotta find Toothless and he's not in the Cells so good chance he's in the Chambers" Luna said as they followed the sign. They opened a door and crept inside. Inside the 'Chamber' was walls made of cobblestone, a bit of water dripping from above. There was a couple of hanging light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. There were around 10 'Chambers' on left and right side of the room which were surprisingly empty. Hayden noted the torture equipment on the wall. As they got closer to the other side of the room they could make out muffled screams. Fishlegs was the first to notice.

"Guys over here." He said in a hushed voice, pointing to a golden door. As the rest of them got closer they could also hear it.

"Tell us what you know!" They heard a voice say followed by another painful scream, "Alright then, Boris, go get the shocker, that should make him spill." The door opened as a man walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Cloudjumper tripped the man over, snapping his neck in a swift move. They opened the door as Hayden instinctively rushed the tall man, knocking him out. 

"TOOTHLESS!" Luna screamed rushing towards him. Toothless was hanging from the wall by his hands, blood dripping from cuts all over his body. Luna grabbed the cloth from around his mouth.

"Y-you're late to the party." Toothless said giving a slight chuckle which quickly turned into coughs of blood.

"Rest Toothless, save your strength for later." Cloudjumper said unlocking the chains as Toothless slumped on the wall. Hayden put one of Toothless arms over him as Dagur did the other, helping him out of the room. They went back to the crossroad, this time they went down the corridor that was titled 'MAIN EXIT'.  Helping Toothless limp his way with them. The turned the corner only to be stopped in their path.

Almost 20 men, all armed to the teeth with weapons and ammunition, stood in front of them. All were aiming at the group. 

"Put your hands up and get on the ground NOW !" One of them instructed, yet none of the gang complied. 

"We'll give you to the count of 3,"  All of the guards were ready to shoot," 1, 2....."

"3!" Someone said, suddenly bullets were flying everywhere. Hiccup and everyone else ducked back into the corridor. Hiccup took a peak at what was happening. Almost all of the guards were dead.

"CloudJumper?" A voice said as CloudJumper walked out of the cover.

"You look like hell." CloudJumper said as the mystery person and he exchanged hugs. 

"Umm who are you?" Hiccup said joining Cloudjumper, the mystery person gasped.

"Hiccup?" The mystery person took of their helmet to reveal a woman in their early 40's with red hair and green eyes. 

"Should I know you?" Hiccup asked as the woman looked back at Hiccup.

"Oh you were only a wee babe, but a mother never forgets her child.......


Alright I'll just say that I am so sorry for the late chapter. The authors note at the beginning was when my exams had started but now they are over. 

I don't really have much else to say at this point. Thanks for all the support everyone.

Signing out for now,


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