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Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for the support and love on the last story.

This story is for all of you.....


Normal POV

The man turned away from him, pulled his mask off and started to drink some whisky. Eret gulped. He knew that he would need to stay on this man's good side or he could die. He was currently at a remote location that Eret's boss asked to meet.

"So, whose the target?" The mystery man asked. Well, he wasn't  actually a mystery. He was Night Fury. The bounty hunter. He had killed many people for Eret's boss.

"Well, First the mission is a capture mission." He started, Night Fury kept on drinking, "The target is Astrid Hofferson." The man spat all of his drink out in shock.

"I see you know her!" Eret said.

"No I don't. You?" He asked refilling his drink.

"Yes. She's my girlfriend!" 

"Wow. Such love."

"Nah. I never really loved her. I only wanted her status and if the mission is done then I'll become a rich man." Eret finished. The man pulled his mask back on and spun around, shooting the 5 bodyguards surrounding Eret. 

"No. I'm not doing it." He said reloading his gun.

"Awwww. Looks like Hiccup Haddock can't even capture his High School crush!' Eret taunted. Suddenly, he was pinned against the wall with a knife at his throat.

"How long have you known?" He questioned slowly moving the knife.

"Since our last meeting!" He said in pain as the knife slowly moved down to his leg. Hiccup slowly started to pierce his leg. Eret screamed in agony. He pulled out and did the same to the other.

"That was for the 8 years of suffering you caused." he said over Eret's screams. Hiccup took out his gun and slammed it into Eret's head. He went out cold. Hiccup dropped him and put his hand to his ear.

"Toothless, I want this loser tied up at the nest." he said. A voice answered him back.

"On it. Should I send a dinner reservation for you?" He asked.

"Yeah, the unfortunate people who were guarding Eret were mad to do so." he said. He started to walk out as a black van pulled over to the front of the building.

"Excuse me Night Fury, you have a dinner reservation in the name of Toothless?" He asked. He was a slender man, well above his eighties. He wore a sort of old fashioned suit with a bowlers hat.

"Yes I do." was the reply, no other words. Then, 3 huge bulky men entered the house. After half an hour, they came out with wrapped up  bodies of the bodyguards. Suddenly, Night Fury felt a vibration in his left pocket. He picked it up and accepted the call....

Drago's POV

I had managed to find out about what had happened with Night Fury. Couldn't that pathetic excuse keep his mouth shut!  I thought as I dialed the bounty hunter's number. It was an untraceable number which he had managed to make himself. After a few seconds, I could here a voice on the other side.

"Hello Night Fury," I said. There was a quick pause.

"Hello Drago," He said, wait, how did this man know my name! "If this is about Eret then well, he offended me so he will be having a stay with me for some time." He said.

"We can talk this out like men!" I said. No reply, then I heard the beep which meant that he had cut the call.

"What did he say?" Someone asked me. I turned around to see my security manager.


Hiccup's POV

I cut the call. I looked over to see a grey van had parked there. A man came out, along with a women.

"Toothless, Mala," I said. They both had  very concerned looks.

"Hayden, what happened?" Toothless asked. I explained to them the whole situation. I knew Astrid. I couldn't hurt her even for the 4 million , which I got notified of through a message from Drago, then another ding went of. I pulled out my phone to see another notification. It rattled my mind. 

"Hayden," Mala started. I cut her off with the text.

"Mala, Drago has raised the bounty to 8 million if I capture the gang." I said. My tormentors of my previous life were coming back to haunt me. I walked over to the truck and got in. Toothless and Mala were also in and we drove back to the nest with an unconscious Eret and a bounty to collect......


So that's the first chapter. It might feel short, which it is, but I promise that the story will be good and I will devote a lot into it.

For the next week I have tests so I will need to study. Please keep that in mind. This means I won't be able to upload and update more often but after that week It will be good

K that's all for know


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