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Hello everyone! Yes I am back with another chapter! Ok I know that I didn't upload for a while and I'm sorry. There were some family matters that I had to deal with but I am back.

Feel free to review and/or comment and/or vote. Shout outs down bellow as always!



Astrid was paralyzed in fear. Yes, for the first time Astrid 'Fearless' Hofferson felt fear. Truth be told, this was not the first time Astrid had felt fear. Truth was that Astrid constantly lived in fear. The fear of being judged,  fear of being left behind in the dust or being like Hayden was, a virus in society. 

As Hayden held her in his arms, He watched the three men. His intentions for them were, Let's say not cruel but Monstrous. His thoughts then wondered of to Stoick. His father. The man who made him to be who he was to that day. He remember the pain and the suffering that only went worse once his sister was shot by Stoick in cold blood. His mind went to Astrid who's cries and slowly died down into whimpers.

"It's ok. everything will be ok. No one is going to hurt you. Hiccup reassured as he placed a kiss on her forehead. Her breathes became normal as footsteps were heard coming towards them. Hayden whipped out his pistol as he aimed it to the entrance as he held Astrid behind him, acting like a human shield.

"If I get shot then you shoot them." Hayden instructed handing her a gun. She grasped it and put a bullet in the chamber as they both aimed at the entrance in silence. 

"Oh My God what happened here!" Someone said. Instead of enemies, The gang and Hayden's friends rushed towards them. Toothless instantly pulled Hayden into a hug.

"I though you were dead you IDIOT!" He yelled with a smile.

"Well I'm to stubborn to die bud." Hiccup sassed back as they both started laughing. Heather walked over to Astrid, placing a comforting hand over her shoulder as they all got up and made their way out of the passage ways and into the record room again. As they got out they saw a man examining the body of the late record lady.

"Hey, who are you?" Hayden asked pointing a gun at the man. The man took of his hat and pulled out what appeared to be a katana or a Ninja's sword.

"Be ware. There will be many more like this. Now think of it like playing 'Among Us'. he will do whatever he takes to beat you." And with that he smashed a gas canister on the floor and vanished. Hayden and the others walked over to the door and left the place.


As they all split there separate ways into their apartments located on the top floor of the building, Astrid and Hayden stood there.

"Good Night milady." Hayden said as he turned to face the door. Suddenly he was stopped by a hand grasping on to his.

"Could I maybe stay with you? I don't feel safe." Astrid said. Hayden contemplated for a minute as he engulfed her into a hug placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Come one then." He finished unlocking his door with the eyeball scanner and locking the door behind him. Astrid eagerly followed.

"Here, have this water," Hayden gestured handing her the glass as she took a seat on the sofa...

[Astrid's POV]

I sat down on Hayden's sofa as he sat next to me, wrapping his hand around me. I put my lips the the cup and drank all of it. I felt a few more tears prick my eyes.

"Are you alright now?" He asked. I nodded as I drifted into his arms, embracing into a hug. I felt warm in his hands

"So, wanna call it in for the night or have some dinner and then call it a night?" Hayden asked. In truth, I was actually hungry since I had only had breakfast. Before I could reply my stomach growled really loudly.

"I'll take that as a yes then!" Hayden replied walking of to the kitchen. I couldn't help but laugh. As I looked around I saw some pictures on his wall. As I came closer to them I realised what they were. They were memories! I saw a picture of Hayden's 3rd birthday and another one of his second and first one. Then I saw one that broke my heart. It was his 5th Birthday. Now Snotlout, the twins and Fishlegs were out not there and it was just me and him. Then it was his 6th Birthday. Now only him and his dad were in the picture. His goofy smile wasn't there anymore and was replaced with an emotionless figure. Then there was a picture of his 7th birthday. There now Stoick was not in the picture and Just Hiccup stood there. The thing that made some tears fall from my eyes was that there was nothing there. Now party hat or cake and there weren't any presents. Now I realised how much pain we all caused him. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. 

"Can you open it Astrid?" Hayden yelled from the kitchen. I smiled as I opened the door. There stood the gang.

"Hey everyone! What are you doing here?" I asked. Suddenly Hayden came behind me with a brown apron on.

"Astrid dinner's ready if you want to join me." He said with a smile as he went to set up the table. I turned back to the others.

"Hey, we wanted to know why you're staying with that thing I call my cousin because out of all the people you had a chance with you went for him?" Then I had lost it. Just before he could pull a smirk I winded back my fist and nailed him right in the face.  He instantly dropped to the floor.

"Mommy Astrid hit me really hard." Snotlout whined and fell unconscious. I gave a smirk as I shut the door on them and walked over for a dinner with Hayden.


There you all go! Again sorry for the long wait. Now. I need you all to do something for me. Can every one pls tell me which Country  they live in so I can make a time frame from which I can upload a chapter in. 

Anyways. Now time for some shout outs! There are going to be a good amount so please bare with me!

Ok. Shout out's to:- Giteaxvhhddv4646t4CjGardinertomboy_ninja,  CjGardinerMERAKO17ChizanoSamuraiMatrixPrimeAgnieG LCSMA2,  joshua_lee10KK_The_TomBoyFanboytop1Flame109DavidMorrow1,

There's all the shout outs! That's all for now!

Stay safe! Dream Big!


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