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Yo wassup everyone! It's ya boi Roosh back again with another chapter! Nothing new right now. 

Anyways here u all go!



It had been one month, one month since Luna had been taken away from that raid and those bad people. She sat there looking into the sky of the early morning. She watched the newly laid snow brush away with the wind. She looked back at the man sleeping on the bed. Luna was now comfortable with her and Toothless on the same bed. At night he would put his arm around her. She blushed even thinking about it. He gave her a sense of enlightenment and safety along with a new sensation that she was still figuring out. Whenever they touched it would send a shock through her hand, whenever they would talk she felt as if butterflies would be in her stomach. This new feeling she had acquired was not something  she was not aquatinted with. Before she was ever taken she had the feeling for another, yet she found out the hard way that he was not the one. The way he would grab her and the way he would force her to do things for him broke her heart. Whenever her old lover would beat her, no  one would hear her cries.

Are these the same feelings? They can't be? Luna thought. Then it hit her. She was slowly falling for this man who had saved her. Suddenly a shrill sound filled the air. It stopped as soon as it started. She turned to see Toothless give a yawn as he stretched. Luna could not help but giggle.

"Good morning Luna." He said slowly getting out of bed. She returned a greeting as he walked into the bathroom. Luna sat down at the dining table and waited patiently  for him to come back. 

She turned to see the bathroom door open 2 minutes later to show toothless looking ready for the day.

"Y-You look g-good." Luna complimented him.

"You look good yourself to!" He replied walking into living room. Luna eagerly followed. Suddenly a knock was heard on the door. Toothless swiftly went and opened it. Hayden stood in the doorway.

"Hey mate, how have you been?" Toothless said giving him a hug.

"Well, I came by to say that 1, wanna come over for a couple of drinks later and 2, breakfast is being served." Toothless turned to Luna.

[Luna's POV]

I thought about it for a second and then I gave an answer.

"Yes, I guess I'll comes!" Toothless gave me a smile as I slowly followed him down a corridor. As we turned a corner to see the gang. Over this past month I was able to know them. they're a good bunch of friends except for Snotlout.  They all greeted me with a surprised expression. 

"What is it?" I asked. Astrid was the first to speak. 

"Well we weren't expecting you here. It's a big leap for you." I smiled as we all continued to walk down the corridor and into an elevator. We got in. Toothless hit the button and we slowly started to go down.

 ( $ _ $ )

As we got out of the elevator, I looked at Toothless who was walking ahead of me, he was cute and handsome and attractive. He was kind, funny, smart, respectful. I could go on and on. Suddenly I felt an someone touch me. I quickly turned to see Astrid had split from the rest of them.

"I know that look." She said.

"What look?"

"The way you were just looking at Toothless." I instantly blushed.

"Listen, I look at Hayden the exactly the same way. You have a crush on him don't you?" I slowly nodded my head. Then she said something that took me of my guard.

"Then why don't you tell him?" My walls around me were breaking. I let it out.

"I just feel scared ok? I used to have these same feeling for another person but they didn't treat me nicely. He would beat me and control me. I just don't know about Toothless. I have at least a gut feeling that he might be different but if he doesn't feel the same way then it could ruin what we already have. I feel like I'm fitting in now and I don't know what will happen." Astrid gave a supportive arm around me.

"Hey, I've known Toothless for a while and he doesn't seem that way. Anyways, what was the name of your ex?" She asked me.



Hahaha Cliffhanger! I am so sorry this chapter took so long. I'm only 12 and school is a bit hard so please have mercy on me lol.

Anyways. I need to plan for the next couple of chapters so I don't think there is any time for shout outs! But I guess I can say that Thank you everyone for all the support. You are are literally helping me with my dream.

Having all of these ships like HaydenxAstrid and ToothlessxLuna is a bit hard but it is also fun.

Thank you everyone for reading this chapter!

Stay safe! Dream big!


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