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Helooooo!!!!! Wasap ya'll !

It's ya boi back again with another chapter!!!!



[Hiccup's POV]

It felt magical. I could fell her as we kissed. I didn't know how long we kissed because we both stopped when a strong, cold gust of wind swept over us.

"We should be getting back." I said. We got up and climbed back down the ladder and into the hallway. I knew each room and their inhabitant's name of by heart. I escorted Astrid to her door.

"Thanks Hiccup. I'm sorry for your loss." She said. I felt a weird tingling feeling rush over me as if I was about to sprout wings from my sides and grow a tail. I couldn't show weakness.

"Thanks Astrid. Good night." and with that I returned to my home and returned to my slumber...

[Astrid's POV]

I watched as Hiccup returned to his room. I unlocked my door and went in. I felt a weird sensation crawl inside me and make it's way into my heart. It felt amazing! I decided to have some warm hot chocolate and marshmallows. I remember as a child my parents would give me it when I couldn't sleep or had a nightmare. I slowly sipped on it, feeling the warm liquid slosh in my mouth and travel down my throat. It emitted a feeling of warmth in me. The same way Hayden emits warmth in me through love. My mind wandered of to BATO. They knew that we were here and were not in prison but when we had to hand them over what would happen. Would I have to go with them? Surly not! Well I hope not. It would break my heart to go and even if I went back then me and the gang would become prisoners! Gods! I decided to put these thoughts to rest and go to sleep. As I lay down and drifted into sleep I heard a loud bang come from the corridor. I jumped at the sound and rushed into it. The gang was there along with the others all looking at the bashed down door of Hayden's room.

"What's happening guys!" I say peering into his place. It was dark and the only light came from the light in the corridor.

"Our worst fears for the man have come Astrid." Toothless said. This got me worried.

"Only Astrid can go in and help him guys." Mala said. There was silence as everyone looked at me. Mala out a hand on my shoulder, "If you love him then you are the only on who can help him to get out of that room." I slowly walked into the room. It was very dark as I got in. Slowly I kept on going. I could see the others looking in fear and the gang looking in confusion. I glimpsed out of the corner of my eyes a sort of sob in a very dark corner.

"Hayden? Is that you?" I ask. To my surprise someone answered back,

"A-Astrid?" His voice sounded broken. I slowly moved further to him when he hissed and growled.

"Stay back Astrid! Just leave! After you see me you would wish you never got involved with me!"

"Hayden. I'll never leave you! Please just trust me and come into the light." I held my hand out, "Take my hand!"

"O-Ok just don't leave no matter what."

"I'd never leave you babe!" I watched and I was shocked. From the darkness emerged 2 hands with black claws at the ends. The held my hands and I slowly moved backwards so he came into the light. Then I saw him. I was shocked.

His head and face were normal but his ears were flapped down like a Night fury's. His body was fine but his hands had the black claws. Then from the waist down it was completely like a night fury's. His legs had scales and were black like Toothless' from HTTYD. He was still missing his leg but the talons matched perfectly with his other dragon leg. The next part shocked me. He had wings! They were exactly like a night fury's! I felt something tap my head. It was a tail(Again like a night fury's)! Hiccup gave me a weak smile.

(Guys I hope that made sense on how he looked. I am no that good at drawing so yeah. This was a character sketch! If you have any doubts about it then please tell me!)

I was amazed. I didn't even realize that I was starring!

"Astrid are you ok?" A voice was behind me. I turned to see the gang all looking at Hayden.

"Oh my god." Ruff exclaimed. Hayden gave a sigh as he turned around. I saw plates run all down his back( The ones Toothless has in HTTYD 2 that run on his back) as he wrapped himself in his wings and walked back into the dark corner.

"Hey. Come one! It's ok Hiccup!" I reassured. I heard him mumble a few words as he slowly cam back out and took my hand as we walked to the door. He had a worried expression as he saw his other friends looking at him.

"Man you were a sexy hunk of meat but know you look like a Norse god!" Toothless exclaimed. He and Hayden burst into laughter....

[Hayden's POV]

I felt as if I was wanted and my appearance did not matter. I felt fine! Yet I could feel my wings and tail and my claws could kill with or slash! Would I ever turn back to a human? This one thought plagued my mind. I could feel Astrid sense my worry and held my hand in comfort. It made me feel ok inside. If I am to survive this then I must keep my loved ones close my be.....


[Unknown POV]

A boy who looked as if he was new here walked into my room.

"Sir our undercover agents have transmitted us some information Sir!' He said. Finally, my daughter has given me some information! I thought.

"Is it from my daughter?' I ask. The boy gave me a shocked look as he nodded his head.

"Not at all sir! It is from Fishlegs Ingerman! Here you go sir!" He handed me a file as he stood to attention. I dismissed him and read through the file looking and looking through the pictures. I was shocked at what I saw. Hayden Haddock had turned into a half human and half dragon! I remember Gothi saying it was a myth and legend of a prophecy but I didn't think It would be true! Then I turned a page and a tear rolled down my eye. It was my daughter kissing that demon! He had brainwashed her! I would make him pay!



I am so sorry for not getting this chapter out! Really I am! I want to thank you all for your patience and your support through these shout outs!

Shout outs to:- JasmineLove22Cerise16WolfDragon06052010NickDidItAgainLazerSzandikaky2587GrenzaKeren1309kaleb132 and Riddledipp for reviewing, reviewing reviewing reviewing , Following me, voting and/or adding this book to your reading lists!

Thank you all for your patience!

We are on the road to 1K reads for this book!

Thanks again! Be safe.


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