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Hello Everyone! Hope y'all are doing good and stayin healthy.

I would like to shout out BeaverkingYT for the comments and the follows and MatthewGrogan660kaky2587 and Shadow6409 for adding The Shadow Raider to your reading stuff.

Now onto the next chapter....


Stoick's POV

I grabbed the mans hair back. Finally, after all this time, I get to see the man that even my top agents couldn't capture, the man who has killed my entire back up squadron. I couldn't believe it. It was Hiccup!

"Hey Stoick." He said. "Fancy seeing you here!" He exclaimed. I went from shock to anger. 

"You killed all those people and for money!" I shouted at him. He gazed into my eyes with confidence. I had then had enough. I pulled back my fist and hammered it into his face. He flopped to the floor spitting blood. Spitelout grabbed him and pulled him back to his fist. He drooled blood from his mouth. I threw another one to his stomach. He spat blood all over my face. I kept on hitting him. by the time he had finally lost consciousness, his face was covered in his own blood. His breathes were raged. I ordered some of my men to untie the gang.....

Astrid's POV

I watched as Stoick layed it on him. It must have been a full hour when he finally lost consciousness. I saw some men come and free us. We were given some weapons and we were escorted outside. That's when we noticed the amount of people Hayden had killed. From our seats we could only see the entrance. There was splattered everywhere. I was shocked. Then I realized what it must have been like for him. Then 2 figures came blocking the exit and behind them were a lot of people. They looked like normal Outcast civilians but they were all carrying guns.

"Give him back." I heard the male say. Stoick started to laugh. 

"And what will you do?" He asked.

"Not me, all of us." He said gesturing to all the people behind him. There was fire. We peeked over them too see 3 helicopters were blown up. They were our way out. All the people were armed with weapons. Suddenly, Hayden wrapped Stoick in a head lock and pointed a gun at his temple. We all were shocked.

"Lower all your weapons or he dies." He ordered.

"Phhhh, as if your gonna shoot him." Snotlout said. A gun shot was heard. We all looked at Stoick, he was still alive. Then we looked at Hiccup, he had shot upwards. 

"Are you sure Snot?" He taunted. We all lowered our weapons. Then 10 helicopters landed around us. a man and woman came out of one. The man had orange hair and a battle tattoo on his face. The woman had raven hair and was holding an AK47. 

"Brother!" He yelled going and hugging Hiccup.

"Hey Dagur, hey Heather." He greeted. They all hugged. 

"So, what do we have here?" Dagur said with a grin.

"Oh, Sorry everyone. Stoick, This is Dagur and Heather Deranged. They helped me when I most needed them. Dagur and Heather, this is the Berkians." They all had angry faces. Then, almost 200 soldiers came out of the other choppers and we were ordered to get inside the Choppers....

Astrid's POV

We all got in the choppers. Hiccup got into a chopper with us along with another 2. I think their names were Toothless and Mala. Dagur gave the command and we were of to their base. Hiccup pulled out one of the foldable tables and put some medical things on it and a mirror. He started to fix myself up. After a few minutes he looked as Good as new. He sat down next to me and started to take of his left boot. I was expecting a foot but instead there were metal dragon like talons. I watched as he took it of and kept it by his side. He looked at us who were staring at it.

"What, you all have never seen a prosthetic before?" He asked. We all stopped looking. He brought a deagel out.

"Astrid, do you remember this?' He asked me showing it to me. I had no clue. I shook my head.

"Well, this is the same gun that day 5 years ago when you shot that can of flammable gas. This was the gun that caused me to leave and you were behind the trigger. He said. Then I remembered. That was the same gun! he got up and got several glasses and filled them with vodka. Then he gave them to his partners.

"I propose a toast to us, 5 years has brought us a long way." he said.

"CHEERS" they all said as they gulped down their drinks.

"Hey Hiccup. How did you meet all these people?" Ruffnut asked. They all were quite. The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

"Well brother. I think you should say it." Hiccup said.

"OK. So it all started a long time ago. Me and Heather had got the information that there was a 17 year old in an abandon factory being tortured." He started looking at Hiccup. He had turned around and held some whisky to lips as he drank it.

"There was hundreds of guards there but when we finally got there. It was to late." Dagur said.

"What happened?" I asked. Hiccup immediately answered.

"I-I, I had killed all of them." He said with a couple of tears flowing down his eyes, "B-But it wasn't like the usual kill for money. I wanted them to suffer. I wanted them to die. I wanted them to die the most painfull way possible for what they had done to me." He sat down and chugged a whole bottle of whisky.

"Why do you drink so much of that. How on Earth are you not drunk!" Tuffnut exclaimed. Hayden gave a small chuckle.

"I have a genetic disorder. Because of it I cant possibly get drunk or harmed by alcohol. I just get the taste." he said. I took a minute to digest what he had just said. What Hayden must have gone through must have been horrific! And all those years we all had only brung him down.  I thought.

"Anyways, we're here." Dagur said as we slowly descended....


Well that was all for now. Thank you all so much for the reads, votes and comments. I really appreciate it.

Hope you all are doing well.

Sorry for the short chapter( I know its 1110 words long but it feels short)


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