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OMG Thank you all so much for the comments on The Shadow Raider. I would like to shout out  KenzieRunningFree,  BeaverkingYT and AHA12634   for the comments and the votes and the follows.

Yep so here you all go. The next part....


Astrid's POV

I parked my car and walked to the doors of the BATO. I placed all my items in the x-ray scanner. I walked into a room to be checked for weapons. I came out and grabbed all of my things and walked to the reception. This building is a fortress. There are gun men and snipers placed all throughout the premises and guards everywhere. No one could enter it. Except one. The man I have been trying to capture for years. Night Fury. He's elusive, smart and patient. He has beaten some of our best men here. He 'never been against me though. We know each other. I've been on missions to capture him but each time he manages to escape. He knows my name. I remember someone who was the complete opposite to him. Hayden or Hiccup as Snotlout say. He was not the best but he could draw and was an excellent smith. He would help Gobber, our weapons man, at the forge. It is a place where we can pick up guns to use them in the gun range or for a mission. Once we were done with them we should give them back to Gobber to either get them repaired or cleaned or to store them for another mission. When Hiccup was there he would give some sarcastic comment or a goofy smile. He was the reason Gobber could keep up in the Forge. Five years ago, he disappeared. His father, the head of of the BATO organized many search parties to look for him. After around 5 months of looking, we got a call of a truck that was on fire near outcast territory. We rushed there where a huge crowd was. The flames were put out and a piece of cloth, it looked like a piece of the shirt that Hiccup would wear. We stopped searching. Stoick was in tears when we found out the truth about it...... he had ran away for saving my life.....


I was at the Forge to get some guns to use them for practice. I dinged the bell. Hiccup came. He had auburn hair and was smaller then me.

"A-Astrid! W-What would y-you like?" He stuttered. He has that problem

"Hayden, I need a deagel ( Desert Eagle)  for the range." I said.

"O-Of coarse." he said, he went into a room and brought out a deagel. I picked it up. BANG! I had accidently pulled the trigger. The bullet had hit a tank of Cyclopropane and it was slowly coming closer to the fire that Gobber was using.

"Gobber move!' He yelled. Gobber ran and ducked behind a set of metal barriers. I felt Hiccup push me to safety as the explosion went of. He grabbed a bucket of water and put out the flames. There was smoke and soot that remained. Then a booming voice was heard.

"HICCUP! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" I turned around. It was Stoick. Hiccup looked scared. He didn't say anything. I slowly got up and walked away. Hiccup looked at me, his eyes became a window to a shattered soul. His father kept on shouting at him. Then, he ran out of the building. I looked to see him crying as he went further and further away. I didn't know that that would have been the last time we all saw before he would be missing.


I walked to my locker where I put on my uniform and my badge. I walked towards the Forge. I could hear weeping. I cocked my head to the side to see Gobber holding a picture of Hiccup and him. He was crying. He suddenly looked my way.

"Oh hello las' what can I bring ye'" He asked with a thick Scottish accent.

"Hey Gobber, I need my weapons." I asked. he opened a drawer and pulled them all out and handed them to me. I thanked him as I went to the team. After a bit of walking I opened a set of pine doors and found the team ready. Tuffnut and Ruffnut, the twins, were arguing like usual. Fishlegs was reading an article that Stoick had written on Night Fury and Snotlout was on his phone.

"Hey guys." I said. They all snapped into reality as I took a seat. I pulled out a file and placed it on the table.

"Hey, what's that?" Tuffnut asked.

"It's probably just a stupid mission to find Night Fury who we know nothing about." Snotlout said in frustration  

"Snotlout, you can't think like that!" Fishlegs said. In 5 seconds they all were in a heated argument.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled slamming my fist on the table. They all looked at me and stayed silent.

"Listen. In this file I have with the information of Night Fury's next target. For all I know it's a capture mission." I explained. I opened it and I almost fainted. It was all of us!

"Ast" I heard Ruff. I looked at her.

"Guys.....It's us." I said showing them the file. Then, gunshots filled the air and the door locked from the outside.  We all grabbed our guns and looked around. I the room I could hear nothing except our breathing. Then a shadow was at the window. We all turned to see a message on the window. It said hello. Then, we heard glass shatter. We turned to see that a can of fish had been thrown in?

"Um... This is weird" I heard Snotlout remark. He went to touch it when it burst open and a gas filled around us. It was cold and we could breath but we couldn't see. Then, one by one I could hear my friends falling to the floor. After 4 drops there was a pause. I held my gun. Then it was grasped out of my hand. I couldn't see. Then I heard a click and metel touch the back of my head.

"Well Astrid. We meet again."


Well folks. That's all for now. Thank you all for the reads, comments, votes and follows and the adding to lists. I really appreciate it.

We are getting close to 1K Reads in The Shadow Raider! OMG Thank you all so much.

But ya


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