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Hello everyone! It is me back again! The last chapter didn't get that much support cause of the long update.... I'm sorry.

I want to do some quick shout outs! Shout outs to: LCSMA2FantasyStoryElfThe_Unknown_WraithEmmaPaigeMaurer2MyusernameWORKS. Thank you all for all the support!

From here the story is going to develop. I really didn't expect this story to get this long!

Anyways enough talking.....

Chapter 25

[Narrator's POV]

The man walked through the streets of the town centre, taking a turn around the corner. He looked over to his left noticing a young couple holding hands entering a coffee shop. This couple wasn't one he was used to. He had been watching them, their every movement, their daily routine everything. He followed them in watching them order a coffee and take a seat. The man walked up to the counter.

"Could I have a Caf Mocha? Extra chocolate, my usual." The woman at the counter took his order as he walked to a table, opposite the couple.

"So Toothless, today what are we going to do?" He overheard the couple's conversation. 

After a while the couple got up and left. The man decided to wait a bit before getting up and leaving, leaving his finished Mocha there with a 5 Dollar tip.....

Suddenly, as he was walking out, he heard his phone ringing. It was from an unknown number.

"Hello?" he said.

"Dragon 1, the time has come, capture the girl, take your time, there should be no witnesses." The call ended and the man knew what he had to do.....

[Luna's POV]

It's been 2 months since I and Toothless went on that date. We've gone on many more dates and we are actually in a relationship! I feel so nice and free now. Me and Toothless go on a date every Friday, either to a restaurant or to the movies or just at home. I feel like nothing can go wrong. The only thing that I'm worried about is this mission that made us come to berk in the first place. Hayden hasn't told us what it is so I'm still on edge about it. Today's Saturday and the gang and us are apparently going on a trip! Me and Toothless made our way down the pathway and knocked on Hayden's door. The door opened and we were greeted by Hayden and Astrid along with everyone else. 

"So, everyone's here now, where are we going?" Fishlegs asked. Astrid looked at Hayden and then back at all of us.

"Well, we are going to the city!" I was excited. As we all made our way outside, a big van pulled up in front of us. The driver got out and handed Hayden the keys as we all got settled in. I snuggled into Toothless arms as he planted a kiss on my forehead. 

"Ok, the city is around 4 miles away so get some rest everyone!" I could feel my eyes closing. I slowly let go of reality and entered the eternal abyss of sleep.....


I felt someone nudging me as I opened my eyes. I peered over and saw Toothless.

"Luna get up!" I slowly sat up yawning. I heard Toothless chuckle.

"Y-yeah what happened?"  I asked looking out of the window. Then I realised it. We were here! I saw the buildings towering over each other, people walking by. There were trees almost waving at me as the sky looked over the city while the sun gave it a beautiful yellow glaze. I watched as we went the corner and continued out journey through the city. I was breath-taken. This city in berk was beautiful. Suddenly the car stopped outside a building. It was big and white having multiple windows. My guess was that this building was an apartment complex. We all got out as we entered the building. There wasn't any reception around. I noticed a staircase along with an elevator. Astrid gestured us to enter the elevator. As we entered, Astrid hit the 5th floor button as we started to go up. Soft music started to play as the number went from ground all the way to 5. The elevator abruptly stopped as the doors opened to reveal a hallway. The gang slowly walked down it. Astrid went and rung the doorbell at the door at the end of the hallway. There was a slight pause to reveal a woman. She instantly gasped and hugged Luna.

"U-Um who are you?" Luna asked. The woman look at down at Luna as Luna stood there in shock..... It was Stella, her long lost sister. They were reunited at last.

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